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  • Being shy is nothing to be ashamed of. I used to be the same way back in middle school as well. I always kept to myself, people made fun of me and I hardly talked at all and I also missed out on a lot. All you need is a boost in your self confidence. Think about what that girl said. She thinks your pretty, misunderstood but pretty cool. I have a feeling she's right about that :) I beleive the reason you're pushing people away now even when they're trying to talk to you is because you're afraid o…

  • Its hard to say when it will end honestly. I used to cut a lot. I was so depressed, I ignored my friends, they ignored me and some just aren't friends with me at all anymore. You should try to keep your friends close, you do need someone to talk to because without someone to talk to you will get even more depressed. Being depressed can last a long time but you really need to just focus on your good friends and keep them close to you. Don't push them away and don't isolate yourself from the world…

  • Re: porn a sin?

    AmandaH. - - Debate and Discussions


    Watching porn is not a sin and niether is masturbation. Its all normal stuff to do.

  • Bad memories of my father

    AmandaH. - - Friends and Family


    When I was little my dad was abusive to my mom. He used to hit her in front of me or would wait until I was in my room, still leaving me with the sounds of his violent behavior. Once he held my mom against the wall and choked her until she could hardly breath right in front of me. He was a terrible alcoholic and he definately let the alcohol get the best of him. My mom dealt with this pain but after one night when my dad drank more than usual, he ended up hitting me, his three year old daughter …

  • Alright. Personally i don't smoke weed and thinks its stupid but i do agree there are some good things about it. Pros Tastes good. Smells good. Its pretty fun. Music sounds better. Gives you a craving for good food. Cons Makes you act like an idiot. You lose your train of thought. Its ILLEGAL. Smoking a lot could affect you. Lose self control. Get horney and very hungry but are too lazy to do anything about it. If laced you will trip out. I don't do it and personally i think you shouldn't. But t…

  • Quote from TheJoker: “i could have told u i was an asshole. if u dont like it no1s forcing u to be here just leave i have no reason to be nice to u ur an ignorant fool who has no idea what shes talking about come back with a valid point for this debate and ill show u some respect but as long as u keep talking out ass this is what ur gunna get and frankley i think its sad that i should have to be nice to an idiot like urself respect is not sumtyhing u get automatically ull have to show me some re…

  • Quote from TheJoker: “actually bitch if u spent more than 5 seconds looking into the studies ur refering to you would know they were flawed the kill's braincells thing comes from a study where they forced smoke down chimps lungs for extended periods of time without air and monetered there brain finctions but yes they lost brain cells but that was because they were deprived on oxygen for extended periods of time(holding ur breath will do the same thing also while some minor lung damage may occur …

  • Quote from TheJoker: “where the fuck r u pulling theese bullshit"facts" from show me where ur getting the idea that weed is more dangerous than alcohol ive seen the numbers alcohol is physically addictive weed not alcohol an kill u weed can't alcohol causes violence weed causes hunger if ur gunna put sumthing in a debate makes sure ur not a total fucking retard!!!” Oh and weed causes lung problems and affects your mind just as much as alcohol does. When you drink and drive you can die, get high …

  • Quote from TheJoker: “where the fuck r u pulling theese bullshit"facts" from show me where ur getting the idea that weed is more dangerous than alcohol ive seen the numbers alcohol is physically addictive weed not alcohol an kill u weed can't alcohol causes violence weed causes hunger if ur gunna put sumthing in a debate makes sure ur not a total fucking retard!!!” I'm putting my opinion, so keep your comments to yourself, okay?

  • Actually weed has been proven to be more harmful than alcohol though. And yeah you are right alcohol is very harmful and yet it is illegal. Personally i don't do either and don't really want them legal. But i'm just a teenager and have no control over it.

  • Quote from Saradactyl: “Did you recover from it, or are you still like me?” I've recovered because someone stepped into my life and showed me everything that I doubted was real.

  • I know what you're talking about. I once felt that same way.

  • Re: Is it abuse?

    AmandaH. - - Friends and Family


    This is a form of abuse. And he has also thrown your mother against the wall which is violent behavior. Just because he's good when he's sober doesn't mean he has any right at all to do that to your mom or brother. And it seems like you guys are trapped in your own home. Threatening to kill himself if you leave? Thats quite ridiculous. And the fact that you have a four year old in the house also. That makes things worse. Just imagine what your little sister is thinking when this happens. Not muc…

  • You need to tell your ex to just back off. You don't need to break up with your girlfriend. Your ex just needs a reality check becuase she seems really stupid and not willing to let you go and if thats the case then she shouldnt have cheated. Just tell her to leave you alone and your gf.

  • Re: Skinny jeans

    AmandaH. - - Fashion


    I think guys in skinny jeans are hot.

  • I had a boyfriend who was very possesive of me and sometimes really aggressive. I also called the cops from my room when i ran for it. I felt guilty about getting him arrested but after some thinking I realized that if I would have continued with this it could have gotten worse. So you did the right thing, it seems like she needed it.

  • You could begin talking to her about the movie and if she says she seems interested in it then ask "you wanna go see it sometime?" Just do something simple.

  • You should only beleive it if he shows his feelings are true. If he acts like he cares about you a lot then most likely its real. If he only says it and doesn't really act like its a big deal then don't beleive him. But really you can only depend on your own gut, not ours.

  • Re: Break Out

    AmandaH. - - Fashion


    Quote from armyforthebroken: “>.< We need to resist the temptation of junk foods!” Thats very hard!

  • Re: Break Out

    AmandaH. - - Fashion


    Quote from armyforthebroken: “That happens a lot to me, as well. I don't wear make up, but I have acne all over my forehead. It could be from eating unhealthy foods or from not washing your face a lot.” I have this acne wash that I use everynight. I eat a lot of junk food though, that could be it.