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  • Are you sure you're not just being overcritical of your body?

  • Be friendly, chatty, nice. Tease them a little, but don't rip it out of them, that really winds me up. Seem unavailable at times, take a while to text back etc. Give them hugs and try to appear confident. If you develop a crush on them, dont tell them straight away, and dont come on too strong.

  • If you want to do it, go ahead, just be careful and only use it in off-lincenses and stuff. In the UK it's really easy to get served most of the time anyway - my friend is 15, looks his age and buys fags. And so they should serve you because if the police come, the shop keeper can say, well, the guy had ID. it's not his fault he cant tell real from fake

  • It's very unlikely she will change her mind. I have been in this situation and as awful as it sounds, I felt betrayed when my friend told me he really liked me. It can get quite dodgy, so i would suggest you watch where you tread. Yes, be her best friend etc, but she will learn to love you like a brother, not as a boyfriend.

  • I think if she makes you happy then you too should be able to stay together. However, you need to be careful. If not then you could get in serious trouble, and you're only young so I think you need to watch out. I don't think there's anything wrong with liking older women.

  • Okay basically I'm 15 and I've been seeing my tennis coach (he's 21) for a couple of months now. I've never really been sure of where I stand with him - we've kissed and stuff but he didn't really tell me whether we were in a relationship or not. One Tuesday night he asked me when I was going to have sex with him. I told him he would have to wait a while. So that Sunday I rang him up and was like, Where do I stand with you? He was like, We can never really be in a real relationship. I was like, …