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Search results 1-20 of 28.

  • My uncle died last night

    Never Think - - Friends and Family


    He had cancer, we knew it was coming. Just not this soon. I wasn't entirely close to him, but he had 6 children, 4 of them under the age of 6 years old. I just cannot stop thinking about his poor wife and those little kids. My mother is also taking it quite hard. It's really playing on my mind

  • A little boy. I adore my big brother and would want my daughters to have the same protective role model.

  • Re: Twilight

    Never Think - - Films, TV and Books


    The books were terrible yes, the writing was in places awful. It was repetitive, predictable and in places just rediculous. Don't even get me started on Breaking Dawn. The film was even worse. The character portrayal was just terrible. I didn't think the acting was that bad but it certainly could have been much better. The film left out some very important scenes in the book, which I was disappointed about. However, that being said, this does not supress my liking for them at all. The books have…

  • Quote from chelsie_oxo: “I want to try for kids after I have done my A levels and uni and once I've had a stable job for a year or so, so that'd be about when I'm 24-26. I would like to engaged or married so that my kids will have a stable family.” Marriage has nothing to do with stability.

  • Has a boy sat on your bed before? Plenty. Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night ? No. How many TRUE friends do you have that you can tell anything to? None. What kind of cell phone do you have? Sony Ericsson K800i Are you wearing socks ? Yes, pink ones. Who was the last person you took a picture with? My niece. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Yes. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ? Mother. How old will you turn in 2010? 21. Are you a jealous person? Not partic…

  • I've never been preggo myself, but I am around quite a few babies. My niece Gracie, being one of them. She is 16 months olds and the apple of my eye. So I feel like I can sort of relate to parenting issues, I've been babysitting her since she was born, so know all about feeding, nappy changing, tantrums, entertaining, reading, bathing etc etc etc. This is my little princess: n555968284_1405580_2896.jpg n555968284_1341513_6783.jpg 296356_t.jpg profile.php

  • Very much so. It's been 2 and a half years and I still love him more than ever.

  • Have you ever met a gay person? Yes. Do you watch college sports? I do not. What are you listening to? My boyfriend. What’s something you’re excited about right now? Sleep. Do you spend a lot of time with your parents? I do. What color is your room? Brown and cream. Do you look like your sibling(s)? My brother yes, my sisters no. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? No. Are you talkative? Around the right people. Weirdest place you’ve ever changed clothes? In an MFI toilet. Who ar…

  • Boys: Henry Sean Jacob Michael Girls: Ella Louise Evie Anne

  • This is such a difficult question for me to answer. In an ideal world I want to be out of Uni before I have children, but by the time I finish Uni I'll be about 24/25 and i'll want to actually work for a while in my new career so plus another couple of years 25/27. But I don't think I can wait that long for children. I'm broody now for god sake and I'm only 19. I can't wait 8 years to have children. In the end I'm going to have to make a very hard decision. I don't want to put my family and my r…

  • I play plenty of games. GTA4 especially. I whoop tons of boys butts online.

  • Have you ever sat down to think about why you like the person you like? I don't need to. I know why. Is there someone you'd like to hang out with and just talk about stuff? Yeah. Are you waiting on anything? Not really. Is there something that has happened in your past that you really hate to talk about? Yes. Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? I do. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? Oh yes. Would you ever become a vegetarian? Never. Do you like y…

  • Who did you talk to on the phone last/why? My mother, she wanted to know if I've done the washing yet. Do you get scared easily? Sometimes. What are the chances of you getting the person you like? Has already happened. Do you think you'll have the same best friends a year from now? No. Who is someone who can always make you laugh, even on a bad day? My boyfriend. Ever kissed someone as a dare? No. Have you ever slept in a car? Yes, only on long trips. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?…

  • Last thing you bought? Shopping: Lettuce, turkey, bread, newspaper, dog food etc. Last person you argued with? The boyfriend. Do you put Butter before putting the peanut butter on? Yes. Favorite day of the week? Saturday. Favorite Sundae topping? Butterscotch. T.V. show you secretly enjoy? I told people I grew out of Dawsons Creek... I lied. Date someone older or younger? My bf is 10 months younger. One place you could travel right now? Anywhere hot. Perfect time to wake up? About 9 am. Perfect …

  • Re: Exam Stress

    Never Think - - General Advice


    I'm guessing you're a first year. Honestly, don't worry yourself too much about exams. It only makes it worse. You need have some confidence in yourself. You can do this if you put your mind to it. Nobody can motivate you to do well but yourself. You need to do this for yourself. Don't do it to make your parents happy, do it to make yourself happy. That should be all the motivation that you need. Your parents hassling you will only put more pressure on you. You need to tell them to back off a bi…

  • Re: My dog

    Never Think - - General Advice


    From your description I really wouldn't waste money on taking him to a vet. Your mother is right, most old dogs get these "skin tags", a lot like people, they get them too. My dog has them and he is almost 15. I was worried about him and took him to the vet and the vet told me that they were fine and that its just a sign of old age. So try not to worry. If your dog is fine in himself then you've got nothing to be concerned about.

  • Re: My Friend

    Never Think - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I remember what it was like being in a relationship at that age. It is so awkward. It would be easy peasy to just tell him that he should already be holding their hand, because in adult relationships most of that comes before being official anyway. But because he is so young, it's going to be hard for him to do that. What you need to tell him is that he needs to do things at his own pace. There is no right or wrong time to hold hands and cuddle and whatever else comes along. He just needs to do …

  • Re: So I like someone...

    Never Think - - LGBT


    This is the most difficult thing when questioning your sexuality, when someone else is involved. You have fallen for this guy and that was not in your control. You could not help that. Nobody can help who they love, its just incredibly sad when you have feelings for someone who just cannot be yours. I think that if you really don't think that this other guy has any interested in boys then you need to leave it alone. If you tell him how you feel you risk losing him as a friend and I'm sure you'd …

  • I am absolutely postively pro-choice. I honestly think that abortion is better than a child living a miserable life where he/she is just not wanted.

  • The trickiest thing about this situation is the fact that you rarely get to speak to this girl, well properly atleast. This is something you need to change, quite obviously if you plan on getting on further with her. You need to find ways for you two to see each other more. Are you studying any of the same subjects? A subject that she might need help with, or you might need help with? You could 'study' together. Do you know where her and her friends hang out on weekends and after school? You cou…