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  • so im sitting on the computer doin my english homework and my mom asks me to let the dogs out, and i am right in the middle of my essay and i say im busy, so she tells me that whatever im doin cant be that important and i say actually it is, so she calls me a lazy bitch and goes and lets the dogs out. then she comes over and starts yelling at me saying how i never do anything around the house and im a lazy good for nothing, but i wasnt even home all weekend cuz i worked saturday, babysat saturda…

  • so im nervous and exciting that twelve years of schooling is almost over. its gonna be weird goin out into the real world haha. my grad ceremonies(just the ceremonies, doesnt mean im guaranteed to actually graduate, cuz thats how messed my school is) is only 1 week away and i get to be a dolled up princess for a whole night weeee im so excited!