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Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • Well there's being picky and then there's self respect lol. I'm not suggesting you should take just anyone but if you're too picky then you might miss someone because they don't meet your criteria and I mean- how do you pick right? How do you know what will really work, what you really want when you obviously haven't found that so far if you're looking XD.. if that makes sense

  • Yeah, there is always a trigger. I mean it was good but their disapproval still must hurt a little? Or maybe it's because times are so much better than before that you can't quite believe it? People often get depressed when things are going well because they realise it won't last. Cutting is also addictive. It really is. You don't need the psycho mumbo jumbo of why but you probs have realise that by now. It's like a security blanket in a way or a teddy.

  • Re: I must admit a secret..

    Psynthia - - Music


    Me too- came onto my ipod the other day- randomly XD

  • Yeah, in my experience, that doesn't last for long. You'll find someone after a while- although whether it becomes easier to find people after more time is because you become more desperate and less picky is debatable lol XD but point is, never lasts that long as long as you're open to it

  • Well it's really just your insecurity rising up and it's normal. I guess you have to take yourself back to then- was she really that special to you right b4 and for a little while after you started talking? The important thing to remember is that she isn't with them- she's with you and has been honest and open about this stuff because she trusts you to trust her. So ride it out and realise that those things are the most important thing.

  • Well... I'd hate a smoking boyfriend as well but I guess everyone has to make sacfrices and I mean- if he's going through a hard time then I get it... the only person who will make him quit is him so really you have to decide if him not smoking or being with him is the most important thing IMO. But be there for him regardless, even if it isn't as a gf because he'll remember it and maybe you'll become his coping device instead of smoking

  • Hi, I've got to be positive for a minute soz lol but wow. I think it's amazing that you really want this so badly. I have a dream like that but still. It's amazing, I think. I know it isn't really a very practical dream but I think if you want it this bad- you will get it. I don't live in America so I guess I can't really advise you on benefits and stuff cos I mean the UK is totally different. But, I'm sure that you will find a job soon. Keep searching and don't let the wear and tear of searchin…

  • These are a few lessons I've learnt from a love that wasn't always unrequited but iunno- it might help someone out there. I may be completely wrong but... maybe I'm not. 1. Truthful actions are hidden by decietful coverings: i.e. Often people will truly feel one thing and do little things or say things that you realise aren't intentional but show their true feelings. However, all the hurtful things they do on purpose are there as decoys just to try and prove to you they don't really care- but ma…

  • For me, I'd just come home monday evening and start thinking again. Depression always fades when you're with friends but it bites me hardest when I'm alone and there just isn't anyone there because you have to be alone with problems sometimes But I'm glad for you too

  • Makeup helps a little. I would suggest arm accesories and longish but not too long sleeves. Just enough as said before. I found that my scars took ages to heal but I think you become so self concious about hiding them that even when they are hardly noticeable you can really see them. If you found someone you trust you should talk to them- I did and it helped so much. He's the truest friend I've ever had and you can't believe how good it is not to be judged for it. I think you can underestimate s…

  • I've tried most of these alternatives and they help but they aren't replacements.