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Search results 1-20 of 86.

  • Quote from vander: “if you can't spell it, you can't have it. I'm pretty sure that's a rule, or something *shrugs*” lol.

  • Quote from Luminous Flux: “ahaha wow- very late indeed. This reminds me of the amazing coincidence, Me and Andrew were given practically the exact same task even though we lived on opposite sides of the state. And we both wrote stories with gay characters and had evil judgemental teachers.- If you're interested check the out the story I wrote, "Fatal Discrimination" for a similar task fataldiscrimination-1.jpg…discrimination-story.html ” haha I know I weirdly was l…

  • I am amazingly lateee :L:L:L But have to say I LAVVVVVVVV the story XD

  • Yeah I agree with everyone, if all else fails like getting your mum to talk to him just let him get on with it once you kinda do itll be less agro for you

  • Yeah we're completely not talking now which is fine by me but it's weird a couple of months ago i was thinking that my summer holidays would be so different and id spend the majority of time with her but ah wel will meet new ppl at college (Y) Yeah there's 6 ppl in my family too! Got a lil bro who's 7, a sis who's 10 and another who's 14 XD. That's a good point.. my mum said i should be able to go into her work place so that should be better 'cause it'll be quiter(Y) ive calmed down a it now tha…

  • yes talk to your mum, mum's can always get through to dad's most of the time. that is horrible though 'cause it'd make your girl mates not want to come around again. why is your dad so moody? it seems like he has some problems and he's taking them out on you and your family. but yeah try and sit him and down and talk to him... though it doesn't seem like he's the kind of person who will listen to that sort of approach good luck x

  • fair enough red stripe fair enough.. i kinda just go hmm feel slightly annoyed but carry on reading myself :LL

  • Ah no problemo Okeedokie, have you written any more?

  • Eurggg.

    BrittleBunny - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    There's just so much going on. I know it could be worse and what I'm going to type is going to sound really trivial, but still it's annoying me. Probs 'cause I need sleep more than anything tbh :/. But yeah, haven't been talking to anyone about it because it is trivial so I'm going to put it here.. this will mostly be a kind of vent, so it may be pretty long but here goes. I CAN'T STAND BEING IN MY HOUSE ANYMORE. It is so LOUD and i have all this work and revision to do as many other teenagers …

  • Wow. You're 18 and an adult. I don't see why you can't go out, you're not really their responsibility anymore and should be able to do what you want to do tbh. It won't be long 'til you're planning to move out so how are you going to get your independance if they won't let you do this? Hmm your dad's that protective I'm sure he won't want you to move out.. so you could always say if you don't let me have more freedom I'll move out? That does soun a bit immature though.... hmm desperate times cal…

  • You Are Hardworking and Disciplined You are the type of person who is very courageous and brave. You go after what you want in life, even if it's a little scary to do so. You are fearless and determined. You never give up, even when you probably should. You find it easy to focus and concentrate. In fact, it's hard for people to get your attention when you're immersed in an activity. You are honest even when you shouldn't be. People count on you to be a straight shooter

  • Your Face Says You're Rational At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced. Overall, your true self is reserved and logical. With friends, you seem logical, detached, and a bit manipulative. In love, you seem mysterious and interesting. In stressful situation, you seem like you're oblivious to the stress.

  • I don't know what you did exactly.... not all is lost most probs if you apologise... does depend on what happened thoughhh..... like AlexMason said we need more deets

  • Psml this thread is HILAR :L. but yeah 13 is young... but it seems to me that whatever people are saying youre gonna go ahead and do something anyway, because you want to so in a way it's kind of pointless you asking ?? :L And you probs think youre old enough atm, but noone feels like theyre young when they are young and youll look back at this and be like wtf was i thinking if you do... and youve only just turned a teen for goodness sake D: but then i have a mate who lost their v when they were…

  • Oooo just from reading the title and the first bit it seems like your story is going to be an epic and a good on if you do it really well (Y). But anyway I think you did a good job with starting to set the scene with Chris and getting us used to his character, and how he is uninterested in Edward. Is Edward going to be involved much in the story? Or is he just kind of providing insight into like one type of love which is like based on more materialistic/physical stuff, rather than an intellectua…

  • Tbh I feel the most sorry for her children, because as they've been brought up eating food like that they're never going to know anything better. I don't know about in America as I live in the UK, but I would say that where I live ethnicity has near to nothing to do with whether you are over weight. And as a black person myself I can say that I get enough education about nutrition... althoug I 'spose most of it is from looking around at seemingly obese/overweight people myself XD Although I do g…

  • ermm... anything you say will sound cheesy tbh XD but girls lurrrrveee cheese :D. but make it original if you can, try not to say something that's so cliche or overdone

  • depending on who it is ... yeah

  • 1) Ive cried from both happiness and sadness. I think it was because the story was written so well that it took me on a journey with the characters, so much so that as they progressed in some way I felt happy for them and so much so that I felt I could empathize with them. Empathy is the key, once you've got such a loveable/relatable character you can't go wrong. Also, probably because I had simular experiences as to what the character was going through, so again empathy really. 2) Just write ab…

  • Welll he'd have to get different hair s thts either a wig or a weave lol. And talk in a diffo voice and wear quite a bit of foundation or summit. ...This is a very entertaining thread tho LOl