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  • I agree theres no Mr.Perfect but hopefully there is a Mr.Right

  • Re: age of first kiss

    Star00 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    wow 8 years old makes me feeel very inmature .just turned 15 and sadly no french kiss yet .

  • thats good for you , im the same in a way , i havstn had a bf yet most of my friends are alot more into the relationships & hookups then i am but im likeing being single & just waiting for the right person

  • Im not too particular when it comes to guys but there are a few things i look for like he has to be trustworthy , a sweetheart , not too clingy , and i hate guys who are players and only like girls for skin , also good looks are a plus

  • yeah still a virgin . also 14

  • Re: making out..

    Star00 - - Teen Sexuality


    yeah iv never actually made out before .lol meh . but i herd its simple but iiv always had the same idea like i dont want to mess it up my first time especially where im kinda old i should be experienced !

  • I agree about the whole when guys have sex thats all they think about , and also there personality towards things change so much so when i hear about a guy loosing his virginity im thinking great theres another one gone .

  • Re: Never kissed a guy.

    Star00 - - Teen Sexuality


    Iv never kissed a guy either . sometimes i feeel so strange for not having of, but whatever

  • Re: I hurt my girlfriend

    Star00 - - Teen Sexuality


    i cant believe she even let you use that on her the first time . but yeah defintly dont give her the joking dildo or the porn picture I as a girl would definly slap you right across the face no affence or nothing . but yeah and what about her parents holy shti they must be furious at you . good luck !

  • Re: Embarrasing!

    Star00 - - Teen Sexuality


    thank you so much for responing guys . it makes me feel alot better about it knowing that im not the only 15 year old that is going through this !

  • ok heres how i feel about the whole concept . even though I myself think its gross i guess there are some other point of views like having isex / masturbating with someone close to you, and just for experimenting but im finding it hard to understand does the girls you mentioned still do this when their in a relationship with you cause id be rotted . thats like them going out sleeping with someone else aka cheating . especially to think wow i must not be good enough at havbing sex if my girlfrien…

  • Embarrasing!

    Star00 - - Teen Sexuality


    tthis is so embarrasing for me . im almost 15 years old and i havnt had a boyfriend before :confused: , and not only that but i havnt even hooked with with anyone before . its always on my mind lately . and its not that im not into guys or anything cause i am alot . but i dont know i just feel so immature and like the only one with the same situation. it bugs me so much and i wish i just didnt think about it as much as i do ! ?? my friends are so more nito the whole hook ups and relationships th…