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  • Re: What do I say?

    music=life - - General Advice


    my first instinct is to stay with him forever, thank you, not the other way around.

  • What do I say?

    music=life - - General Advice


    Alrighty, so my boyfriend has cancer... Recently he's been having trouble with his blood counts, and he hasn't even been able to get his chemotherapy treatments. He's been really sad and depressed, which is very unusual for him because he's the most optimistic person I know, but whenever I talk to him, I sort of just freeze up and I don't know what to say. I've asked my friends and they say to just tell him I love him (I do this all the time), and to tell him that he can talk to me (I say that t…

  • um....because i was talking to all the OTHER girls out there.... kapeesh? And I do think that every girl thinks that their boyfriend is best, and I think that totally rocks..

  • huh? I didn't get that... o well... go you!

  • Sorry girls, but I officially have the best boyfriend in the entire universe:D ..... anyone want to object? (Don't attack me, I'm just messing around...)...

  • Woo... 14.... I remember it turned out a total disaster... oh well...we got better

  • Hmm... let's see here... God - He rocks! My family My friends - don't know what I would do without 'em My boyfriend - He was there for me when I wasn't even there for myself

  • :eek: You can say cusswords on the forum?!?!?! Dang... I've always thought that their was a little filter thingy-ma-bob... o well... Uh...yeah... so... at risk of being attacked with a spork, or burned at the stake... or whatever people do... I will just say that you totally need to love yourself and your body as who you are. If you need to lose weight... Get up off your lazy butt and work out in the morning! *cough*.... sorry...

  • Re: Cancer

    music=life - - General Advice


    Woot! I'm NOT crazy! *faints from relief* Naw, seriously, I love my parents and I'm doing all I can to stay within their guidelines, and I think (more like pray) it's enough for my boyfriend. He keeps saying how amazed he is that I've stuck with him through all would think that's a pretty good indicator... Thank you guys so much for all of your advice... (have I already said that?)... oh well... thanks again!

  • dun dun dun dun!!!! Go you! You can do it! this is the funniest thing i've ever might help you! - Michele you are mighty Good luck!

  • Re: is this weird?

    music=life - - General Advice


    lol...this is funny! Uh... I once had a dream that I ran over a supermodel with a boat.... and i also had a dream that socks took over the world.... i wouldn't worry too much about this dream about your teacher... she sounds pretty evil though!

  • Re: Cancer

    music=life - - General Advice


    it's forbidden at night...because they want to know who we're talking to yada yada know the rest... Thank you guys so much for the advice!

  • Re: Cancer

    music=life - - General Advice


    I know what you're all saying, and I DO want to side with my parents and I do it all the time... I never see him at my dad's house, I can't talk to him for more than a specified amount every day... I mean, if it wasn't for my mom, I don't know how I would help him through this. And I try SO hard to be perfect for my dad and step-mom; I get perfect grades, I like to think I made good decisions, and most importantly, I would NEVER EVER do anything at all to jeapordize my virtue (to put it in a ver…

  • Cancer

    music=life - - General Advice

    Post my bf was diagnosed with cancer recently and now my parents (dad's side) are acting like i've totally gone off the deep end. I kept my cell phone downstairs (which is against the rules) while he was in the hospital, and i wanted to go with him to get his hair shaved because it was falling out and it was important for me to be there with him, but my parents say that that's something too intimate for someone my age to be doing. They say that i'm losing myself to this boy and that i sho…