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  • i guess also it annoys me coz when he's not in the country, she's the Beth I know and love ... the Beth who hates men especially my dad and who is fun and awesome and easy going and a free spirit. Then HE turns up and she changes into something horrible and she doesn't seem to see it. And now he's here for good and she want him to be part of my life!!

  • Oh yes, it is ... and there's more ... my, i guess, best friend is going through a tough time coz her parents are always fighting and i can't look after her coz of all my shit, so i feel bad about that ....

  • Re: sex with randoms ...?

    Mollybenson52 - - Teen Sexuality


    Also are there any straight people who mess around with the same sex? Or any gays who mess around with the opposite sex?

  • Well, i started kissing girls and guys from about 4 or 5. Sometime durring primary school me and my best friend started messing around ... making out, touching each other and seeing what happened ... My first girlfriend was a girl from netball in grade 6, but we didn't go very far at all because after two days she decided she wasn't gay.

  • If it was at a party or for fun or she was drunk, who cares? If it was more than a kiss, you'd have a right to be annoyed or if it was your friend or if it happened more than once. If she told you straight away, she cares about you and feels bad, If you found out from someone else or she took ages to tell you, she doesn't give a shit about your feelings, but didn't want to loose you. Basically, be annoyed, be angry, but don't forget that she does have feelings too and might be feeling just as ba…

  • Re: My friend is gay ...

    Mollybenson52 - - LGBT


    I just think she should get out there ... it's kind of like she's scared of being gay, but when it's just the two of us she's cool about it. She'll talk about girls she likes and thinks are hot, but when I suggest she asks someone out (even someone she likes and knows is gay and single) she clams up and changes the subject.

  • well, if you're not attracted to him there's not much point ... it has to be fun for you!!! That's the most important thing .... so if you're not going to enjoy it, don't. But you have to make it REALLY clear that you don't see him in a sexual/romantic way, otherwise he'll get confused (guys are pretty dumb that way) and don't let him pressure you into something you don't want. If he can't take 'no', then he's not worth knowing. Molly

  • Go for it! It'll be fun! Just tell him you don't want anything too serious, if he's not cool with that then he's mising out good luck!!!

  • ... with my dad. Which wouldn't be a bad thing if they'd EVER been together (I was a one night stand) and if he wasn't married. What I don't get is how she can love him after he's left her on several occasions. He's broken her heart too many times to count and she still defends him and says he's a nice guy. Please someone explain this bizzarre phenomenon we call 'love'.

  • sex with randoms ...?

    Mollybenson52 - - Teen Sexuality


    Just wondering if anyone else "messes around" with randoms (or friends) at parties? And if so, how far do you go? Is it better than when you're in a relationship? On the reverse, why don't you do it? For me, I'm more likely to go all the way if they're a friend rather than a stranger, but there's always exceptions ... And, after just ending a 7-month relationship, I have to say I like the freedom of being single a lot more. Looking forward to hearing from everyone else!! Molly

  • My friend is gay ...

    Mollybenson52 - - LGBT


    ... but she's only really "come out" to me. She's really shy, has tight-arse parents who she can't talk to and I guess just doesn't know where to get a girlfriend. I'm not sure if she even wants one, but that's not the point. The point is: how can I get her confidence up to encourage her to get out there? Our school isn't homophobic, so she doesn't have a problem there. There's stacks of gays and bis (I'm bi, btw). Does anyone have any advice? Molly

  • Story of my life ...

    Mollybenson52 - - Friends and Family


    Okay, I'm new here and I'm just going to spill my guts about everything that's going on right now coz everything is SHIT (I'll try to keep this short) ... Firstly, my boyfriend of 7 months dumped me coz he found out i still smoke even though i said i'd stopped (LONG story short ... i tried to stop coz he asked me to, but basically everyone i know does so i couldn't keep it up). But I'm kinda cool with that coz, even though he's the best shag ever, he's a bit of a dick. Secondly, my dad moved her…