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Search results 1-20 of 119.

  • Re: have u ever touched...

    sakubo - - Teen Sexuality


    yes i have.

  • Re: Masturbation Routine

    sakubo - - Teen Sexuality


    ppl have a routine? i don't.

  • Re: Best Make Out Place?

    sakubo - - Teen Sexuality


    the library.

  • any thing that you do with your gf/bf

  • :rofl: i gess if like for some reason your teeth rub together:rofl:

  • Re: kinda long

    sakubo - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    are you ready for some actual questions - questions that teenagers actually go through? yes first off, what's your full name? George Sakuraba Dykstra do you know what love is? yes i do do you wish you had more money? nope how often do you honestly say "i wanna die"? i have sed it a total of 25 times do you ever wish you could just go to sleep & never wake up? yes i did before do you want to have any children? if so, how many? mabey just 1 or 2 jacob black & edward cullen? IDC how many piercings …

  • Quote from Bmoen223: “Sweet about the girl asking u out, she must been impressed with ur boner, if u get married and u will have some tale as too how u met lol Sweet :rofl:” it wold be funy to tell are kids or grand kids on how we meet. awkward right. has any one ever got a bonner in a crowded elevator?

  • lol wow this was funny.

  • just don't tell them if your that shy. my mom didnt find out about my X until after we had been together for 3 months. i don't really to my mom or dad anything that happens in my life.

  • brain.pngYou Are The Brain You're the type of person who's always on, always churning. You are alert and quick to react. You like to stay busy. You are responsible but also demanding. You take up a lot of energy. You are someone of deep mystery. There's a lot below the surface that's hard to figure out.

  • purple.gifYour Heart Is Purple For you, love is about establishing and developing a deep connection. If it's true love, it brings you more wisdom and inner strength. Your flirting style: Sincere Your lucky first date: An afternoon at a tea house Your dream lover: Is both thoughtful and expressive What you bring to relationships: Understanding What Color Heart Do You Have?

  • night.jpgYou Are a Night Person For you, there's nothing worse than having to get up and moving early. In fact, you probably don't hit your peak until well after the sun has set. So if your struggling to make it on a normal schedule, realize it's not your fault. You just weren't meant to do anything during the day!

  • The Cafe Test

    sakubo - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    cafe.jpgYou Are Flexible During your downtime, you like to find something new to experience and to inspire you. You secretly wish that you could be a more knowledgeable person. There are a dozen things you'd like to get your PhD in. You feel optimistic about the world, and you feel like you deal with everyday life well. You hardly notice problems. You are inspired by a mismatch of things. You never know what is going to get you thinking, and your mind tends to be racing. The Cafe Test

  • Are You Sweet or Salty?

    sakubo - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    sweet.pngYou Are a Sweet Person When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab some candy than heat up a pizza. There's a good chance you're female (women prefer sweet snacks)... Or at least, you prefer to be in the company of women. Your tastes are simple and predictable. You are young at heart. You tend to crave food you can just grab and eat Are You Sweet or Salty?

  • Re: The Teapot Test

    sakubo - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    teapot-3.pngYou Are Creative You are a fascinating person with many varied interests. You like living a less than normal life. You are easily and often inspired. It doesn't take much to get you thinking, and you love to daydream over a cup of tea. You're the type of person who puts a pot of tea on when the mood strikes you - even if it's in the middle of the night. Your signature tea: red rooibos herbal tea

  • Quote from thewoeman: “ how many prescription drugs have you taken that you didn't need? One what were they? Something for ADD or ADHD, others thought I needed it. I still don't think I did. .” that wold be ridulin(idk how to spell it )

  • i woldent enjoy being raped weather its a girl or a guy. but yes it is possible rape is forced sexual activity so girls can force sex frum a guy and the other way around. and the guy above me gave a good story about almost rape lol.

  • chinese.pngYou Are Chinese You are a bit old fashioned and deliberate. You take your time and do things the right way. You have an eye for craftsmanship and quality. You cherish and appreciate beautiful objects. You are interested in the past. You consider yourself to be a student of history, and you are always learning. You are also naturally quite artistic. Even if you aren't an artist by trade, it's likely that you have perfect penmanship.

  • history.pngDisliking History Says You Are Unpredictable You are unpredictable, unusual, and challenging. For you, history is too irrelevant and set in stone. You rather look toward the future. You don't like to commit to anything. You're a dynamic person who is always growing and changing. You are very interested in new ideas and technology. You like to keep up with the latest trends.

  • don't let it get out of hand man i had a similar experience when i was in the 8th grade me and my old best friend got in a fight over a girl in the stair well and well he threw a punch then kicked him in the face and he went down the stairs and we haven't talked seance then . so basically don't over react about it or you will lose a friend. there will be other girls. and hey she might like him enuf to do anything about it it might just be a small crush you know what i mean.