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  • Re: my first poem

    lovedrunk18 - - Creative Writing


    i just realized i already posted this a few months back.

  • my first poem

    lovedrunk18 - - Creative Writing


    Does this ever feel pointless? Or hopeless? Do you ever feel like its never enough? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just feel like I'm trapped in this... hole. So deep i cant even see the light. I sit and try to think of a way out. Then I find a way to climb up just high enough do the sun starts shining down on me. Warming me, comforting me. I get so high up and it feels amazing. But then something knocks me down. Not always to the bottom. Sometimes I find something to grab on to that stops the fall…

  • i want more friends like yours lol

  • I may have jumped around clapping my hands out of excitement .

  • Re: One Day

    lovedrunk18 - - Creative Writing


    Quote from cassie--valentine: “Wow, that was deep. Good work, i feel like that... alot.” thanks and that like the first time ive ever sat down and wrote my feeling out.

  • One Day

    lovedrunk18 - - Creative Writing


    Does this ever feel pointless? Or hopeless? Do you ever feel like its never enough? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just feel like I'm trapped in this... hole. So deep i cant even see the light. I sit and try to think of a way out. Then I find a way to climb up just high enough do the sun starts shining down on me. Warming me, comforting me. I get so high up and it feels amazing. But then something knocks me down. Not always to the bottom. Sometimes I find something to grab on to that stops the fall…