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Search results 1-16 of 16.

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Alli - - Debate and Discussions


    I don't think it's possible to provide any evidence that he does or doesn't exist. Because there will always be some explanation to contradict that evidence. So I think it's more a matter of your personal beliefs, and your life experiences

  • Re: Is it selfish...

    Alli - - Debate and Discussions


    I don't think it's selfish not to have kids. Not everyone is cut out for it. And if you don't make enough money to support them, then it's actually less selfish than to have them and not provide for them. It's your life, and having kids is not a requirement. I personally do not want kids because I just dislike them and don't have the patience for them, and I am constantly told that I'm such a bad person for that. But that's just my lifestyle. It's more selfish for someone else to judge you for w…

  • There is a major difference i think. For one, there from two different continents. Secondly their accents are quite different, and if you actually look into a lot of the culture from both countries you'll find that there are many many differences

  • I think it is definatley okay. their perfectly capable of raising children, in some cases the couple is better suited than certain heterosexual couples. As long as they love and nurture the child it's perfectly fine. And sure, the child may get teased in school, but first of all, every child gets made fun of by other kids, its part of nature. and secondly, it could teach the children to be more compasionate to others, if they have been treated badly for something they can't help, they might thin…

  • Re: Capital Punishment

    Alli - - Debate and Discussions


    This is an issue I'm really confused about my beliefs on. On one side, I am a very peaceful non-violent person, and I think we should settle our differences with words and actions, not swords and guns. And also, I do not think that certain people should have the power to determine if another human being should die or not. That is not our place to decide. But then on the other hand, some people do some things that are so unimaginable that they almost don't deserve to live. I know I just contradic…

  • I recently became a vegetarian and it's difficult sometimes, especially when you go to resaurants because theres very little choices for vegetarians, and also, because there are meat products in things you wouldn't expect too, so it restricts your diet a lot. but it is annoying when i'm with non vegetarians and were trying to find food, and i can't eat any of it

  • what you should do is find a BMI calculator online (just type it into google) and it will give you a more acurate idea of if its healthy or not

  • have you ever made out with 2 different people in one night?:Once ever dated your cousin?: No. have you ever stolen money from a friend?:Never. have you ever been arrested?:Never. have you ever forgotten someone's name?: Often. Do you wear a belt?:Rarely. Have you ever fired a gun?: Yes Have you ever had a dream about your best friend?:Friends, yes. Have you ever had a dream about your boss?:No boss. Who was the last person that slept beside you?:My boyfriend Last person that made you cry?:I don…

  • Re: random awesome survey

    Alli - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Is there anything pink within 19 feet of you?: Yes. A highlighter What is the last thing you had to drink?: Water What are you wearing right now?: Pajamas. Have you been in love?: Yup. If a leprachaun stole your wallet, what would you do?: Freak out cuz i just saw a real live leprachaun Are you clean shaven?: Yup. If you were a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?:My mom told me it would have been Daniel Louis (the middle names of both my grampas) Were you named after anyone?: No…

  • No that was not being racist. It's like if you see a blonde girl and shes wearing a gold ribbon in your hair.. and you say you didn't see it because it blended into her hair.. your not being unfair to the blonde at all.. your just pointing out a fact.. sorry bad example. but no you were not being racist

  • Re: Are age limits right??

    Alli - - Debate and Discussions


    In some cases I believe that age limits are good and in some cases i don't. for example i think an age limit for drinking is important, because we can't have five year olds running around getting drunk. It's definitely not healthy for them. I just don't think the drinking age should be 21 like it is now. It should be sixteen or eighteen. Also, on driving, i think sixteen is a good age. because driving is a serious responsibility, you can kill people if your not careful, and you need to be mature…

  • I honestly couldn't care less what the bible has to say on this matter. it's my personal opinion that the bible is complete crap. If anyone today wrote half the stuff in the bible and tried to say it was true they would lock them up in an insane asylum, but for some reason since it was written thousands of years ago people think it has more merit. The bible contradicts itself hundreds of times as well. Are we really going to trust a book that does that? if it were a person, we would call them a …

  • I personally am atheist, and I don't feel a need to prove he doesn't exist. It's what I believe and I don't need to justify it to other people. Now if someone asks me why I am an atheist I will tell them all my reasons, but I'm not going to shove it down their throat.

  • Re: (500) Days of Summer

    Alli - - Films, TV and Books


    It's one of my favorite movies. I like the quirky style it had. And I liked how they didn't actually end up together like they do in every single movie.

  • Re: The Twilight Saga

    Alli - - Films, TV and Books


    the whole twilight series disgusts me, but since you seem to be a fan i won't go into detail insulting them. But i do agree the books were better than the movies, but that's how it usually works anyway

  • Re: My Career Plan...?

    Alli - - Education & Jobs


    that's very ambitious.. i'm planning on being a photographer, but i know that won't bring in a lot of money so i'm thinking about doing that as a side gig and doing something else more profitable, but I don't really want to have to go to school for a long time, after i graduate i just want to move on with my life so .. i guess i'm still undecided