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Search results 1-20 of 29.

  • I'm so sorry you're feeling that way. I haven't had much time to get online lately but now it's the weekend so I'll be on yahoo alot more. I care and I hope we can talk there soon if it would make you feel any better.

  • nah, you're not ugly. Making a funny face in the pic sure but you look pretty normal. Girls look for a lot more than just looks, just as (some) guys do (I like to consider myself one of those, looks don't mean squat to me if I don't like a girl's personality). It's more about how you carry yourself, how you approach girls, etc. Than anything. But what would I know? I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend, been kissed, etc. before no matter how badly I want to find love. But I think it's because I…

  • Thanks, and yeah, I do want to either be a writer or psychologist or something of that sort. It's nice to hear someone say I could be a writer.

  • Blah, I wish I could delete this thread now, things just get really bad at night, I'm feeling a little better now.

  • thanks, and you're right. Another forum I've started going to for love addiction says no contact is the best thing for me right now anyway, so this is good.

  • No, it's not quite like that. She never did want to be more than friends, but I kept trying to make it more, now I think I stress her out too much instead of making things better when she's down. My feelings had developed far too quickly to have been real at first, and it must still not be, I think I'm just something called a love addict, and I want to make something that's not really there. We've never even met in-person though I want to more than anything. I just need to focus on subduing thos…

  • Withdrawal

    TakeMyHand - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Drip. I can't sleep. It's 6:35 AM as I start to type this into my phone, lying here awkwardly on this uncomfortable couch. It's sticky and hot yet I'm shivering from the cold. Drip. I slip in and out of consiousness every few minutes. Every time I feel blissful sleep about to take hold of me, this horrible creature seems to nudge me and say "not yet." Drip. My face is wet with tears but I'm not crying, the tears just seem to stream down my face on their own, like that irritating leak in their si…

  • I know exactly how you're feeling, but I also know that things can get better if you really want them too. Life does not come with a meaning, it is up to us to give it meaning. You're right that I don't know you but I do care and would like to help, and there's also no reason we have to stay strangers. PM me if you would like to talk, as you said, we don't know each other, so what could it hurt to let it all out? You never know, we could become good friends.

  • I would just like to echo what angelbee said and add that if you want, you could talk to me anytime about anything you feel like if you'd like a friend.

  • Re: Help

    TakeMyHand - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from blink182: “ya know what dude i dont care i fucking hate gay people” May I ask why? You must be misinformed to assume that to be gay or bisexual means to also be a less faithful partner than a straight person would be.

  • If you really knew me, please tell me about me because I don't know me.

  • Age: 18 # of relationships: 0

  • Quote from lcky: “ I have a question for the guys. If you had a choice between losing your penis or your legs, which would it be? I'm just curious to see the answers. ” Penis I guess. Not being able to walk, run, jump, etc. Ever again vs. No sex and a new way of having to pee, but both bring their own kind of potential relationship trouble. Also, does this include never being able to have kids of your own? Because I think you still could as long as the scrotum is still intact. This would be a pr…

  • Re: Remember Me

    TakeMyHand - - Films, TV and Books


    Indeed, I shall watch it then.

  • I am not religious and I see both sides but I would have to say I lean more pro-life than pro-choice. Usually the arguments just end up going in circles though and it's really more of a manner of perspective that can't be changed so easily. In my opinion, I more or less agree with most of what Trigger93 has been saying. Heh, I know he gave up on analogies because they weren't working so well but I'd like to try one to show how I see it. You're driving on your way to work one morning and you come…

  • Re: Do you think I'm going to hell?

    TakeMyHand - - LGBT


    I was raised by a very religious step-dad (but stopped living together when I was 8 so I just visit him) and a not-so-religious mom. I personally neither believe in God nor deny the possibility of His existence; agnostic. I believe there is not enough evidence to truly say one way or the other and since God is supposed to be supernatural or unbound by our understandings, it wouldn't be possible for us to really confirm if he exists. So if someone wishes to believe and worship God, that's fine an…

  • Quote: “ How often do you think about a girl you really like? How often do you think about a girl you like a bit? Do you still think about a girl a lot if you like other girls ? Do you think about the one you like the most?” It depends on how much I like them. It seems there's usually only one girl I really like and go into "infatuation" mode with where I want to know everything about them. So far there's only been one... maybe two girls where I'd say I reached that point with. Otherwise there's…

  • ^What he said, plus, there's nothing wrong with dating, it's just when sex is involved. Do you have to involve sex in these relationships? Or at least do you have to involve it so soon, couldn't you start dating but just wait till you're 18 before doing anything of the sort?

  • I don't really know what to say because my mom smokes pot, my step-dad used to but he doesn't live with us anymore, my sister's boyfriend smokes it and I think runs drugs too (he lives at our house), all of his friends that come over smoke it, and my neighbor smokes it (as well as does cocaine I believe). The only other person not on drugs around me besides me is my sister, and of course it always could just be that I don't know about it. That said, even though everyone does it, and I think ever…

  • You're a Romantic Kisser For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance. You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea. For you, the perfect kiss involves the perfect mood. It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet.