Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Re: Greatest Band or Singer...

    AndareAvanti - - Music


    Now? MJ Twenty years from now? Lady GaGa (haha) But I do love me some OneRepublic.

  • Who Loves Lady GaGa?

    AndareAvanti - - Music


    I do!! Little monster for life! <^_^ I have 119 songs by her (live, remixes, etc.), 9 1/2 hours of her, and every music video. Yes, I'm a guy.

  • ^ Like they said, tell someone. I know it sounds like one of those stupid educational videos about stranger danger, but telling someone is the only good solution. If she won't then tell someone you trust. (Parents, teachers, principal, police, etc.)

  • Need Help with a Prank :P

    AndareAvanti - - General Advice


    Okay, two of my good friends are coming over tonight, and I have an amazing prank in store for one of them, but I need to somehow convince him to sleep naked, which is very hard to do considering we are just 16 year old guys haha. I am not :gay:!!! (Not that there's anything wrong with that, and I have a girlfriend.) No stupid comments please.

  • Tell your parents you want to move out, and tell them why. See how they react; most likely they will try to improve the situation without losing you.

  • Hello, I am a 16 year old guy, and also a natural blond, meaning that ALL of my hair is blond. I want to dye my hair light brown, but how would I be able to dye my legs, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits, etc? Thanks!

  • Tips for Improvement (girls only)

    AndareAvanti - - Fashion


    haha... I know it sounds stupid and I know people with keep trying to say things like "You don't need to change who you are!", but I want people to tell me how to improve my looks, not that I good the way I am. Things I'm not a fan of: - My hair (My bangs are in like two "sections", I didn't try to fix my hair for the picture.) - My eyebrows/eyelashes are really light - I'm really pale...and my hair looks funny against my reddish-white skin. - I'm trying to get rid of acne. Feel free to give me …