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  • Re: drop out?

    yax koux mo - - Education & Jobs


    school wasn't made for education. it was made for obedience. if you want to learn more, look at my signature. you should drop out and take an alternative like online schools. i promise you that once teachers stop shoving useless crap down your throat, you will learn more and at a faster pace than school. you will also probably enjoy what you are learning since you are not being forced to learn. During these 2 weeks of no school, i studied what i just wanted to learn at home and in 4 days, i have…

  • Re: Faith Healing

    yax koux mo - - Debate and Discussions


    i agree with memoria. however, what the parents did was probably foolish even in the eyes of god. the old testament says that god created the physical laws and that is what made our medicines so we are supposed to use them. i don't think the parents killed her though. i think that they simply made a mistake.

  • lock your door and take all your medicines to your room. you also might wanna ask your parents for a key to your room.

  • school, ageism, my family, i could list 10 more but those three things are what depresses me most of the time.

  • Quote from Jarndyce: “ @ yax koux, both of those statements are blatantly wrong. As one gets older one gets more mature, it is living life and experiencing the world that helps give maturity. There are many authorities in this world that could stop people from living their life the way they wish to, the most basic and blindingly obvious one would be criminal law in any individual country.” i dont think you understand what im saying. you are right about how when you get older you get more mature …

  • maturity does not come with age and neither does intelligence. so if you think you are ready then go ahead. there is no authority in life and it cannot stop you from living your life the way you want to live it.