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  • Quote from Framedskye: “So my bf just dumped me... by text he has issues and i guess i can see why he did it but then why would he get in a relationship with me in the first place? and why didnt he have the guts to do it in person are all teenage boys stupid like this?:mad:” With a society full of Facebook girls and "this shit is gay" boys, the future of our world seems a bit darker everyday.

  • Re: Porn Addiction

    Heran - - General Advice


    Well, yeah, I know it's only a psychological addiction, but it's still a bit overwhelming. And, yeah, I know that I should take it as a challenge, but that's easier to say than it is to do and that's a strong feeling that I have here... Anyway, thanks for that advice!

  • Porn Addiction

    Heran - - General Advice


    Hello guys, I'm 16 years old and I'm new to this forum and I have come because I have a big problem that I hope you can help me pull through. Here's the deal: my friends smoke, drink, use needles... Well, are pretty much addicted to a lot of things. Me, thinking that I wasn't like them because I've never used all those things, was pretty wrong. I just found out that I was just like them! Indeed, I have been watching porn videos for years now and last night I realized that I was feeling a lack fo…