Search Results

Search results 1-13 of 13.

  • Either an art therapist or an art teacher. Something to do with art that actually pays consistently.

  • You Act Like You Are 29 Years Old You are a twenty-something at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up. The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them. So... about twice my age. Saw that coming.

  • You Are Strawberry Lemonade You are super sweet and super friendly. You are a natural optimist. You always try to be the best person possible, and you tend to think of others first. People feel like they can completely relax and be themselves around you. And it's totally true. You tend to be a dreamer, and you believe that no dream is completely out of reach.

  • You Are Insightful Of all of the types, you are the most knowledgeable and perceptive. You are extremely observant. You thrive when you are able to study things carefully. You need to take your time and develop theories. Some people say you are a bit eccentric and detached, and it is true that you are most comfortable in your own little world. You do your best to live an innovative and profound life. Wisdom is all you seek - simple as that.

  • We have a Super Nintendo lying around somewhere. We had Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, and Super Star Wars.

  • I saw this kids show when I was in England with these Teletubby-like creatures, except they were computer-animated, and there were real children, but they hid from the children. And they had this garden with a sundial and trees and a cave. And they were listening to the echo in cave or some shiz. There was a green one who I think was named Yaya or something???

  • Re: When do u shop?

    MagneticZero - - Fashion


    I do major shopping trips 2-3 times a year. I'll buy an item or two at other times if I need something specific, like skinny jeans.

  • Forever 21 is my love. If I could afford it, I'd buy everything from ModCloth or Top Shop, but I can't, so... Oh, the Nordstrom Rack is good too.

  • If you really knew me, you would know that the reason I don't change in front of people is not because I'm extremely modest, it's because I think my scars would scare you. You would call me out on my BS when I say "I'm okay," or "I'm doing well." You would know that I broke up with my now ex boyfriend, not just because I didn't like him, but he made me not like myself. And you would know that yes, I have actual problems; I'm no where near perfect.

  • I would say my 7th grade algebra teacher. One day, I was reading something my friend had written, still managing to take fairly good notes, when she spotted me, stormed over, grabbed the notebook and threw it into the trash, And then after the class, she was all apologies and smiles. And later, while explaining a problem to us, she said we might as well slit our wrists if we got it wrong. So yeah... And my biology teacher this year flipped and made us write her apologies, which she read through,…

  • Re: Greatest Band or Singer...

    MagneticZero - - Music


    It's between Edward Sharpe, Jack Johnson, and Sufjan Stevens.

  • Your Hipster Name is Scarlett Dixie.

  • You spend half an hour doing your hair. No You go tanning/lay out. No. You watch The OC and/or Laguna Beach. No. You own something designer. No. You love going shopping. Yes. You like Paris Hilton. No. You take your cellphone everywhere. No. You own an iPod and/or an MP3 player. Yes. You love Starbucks. No. You love flip flops. Affirmative. How many x's? 3 Where? GOTH Red or black is your favorite color. No. You have thought about death. Yes. You wear chains. No. You like heavy metal. No. You lo…