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  • I don't think I'd mind too much, but it might bother me a little, just because it would be awkward and shit. But, nah, I don't think I'd care too much.

  • Now, now. Don't go putting yourself down like that. I think you're having issues with your self esteem and just who you are because to you it seems like no one cares. So why care about yourself? Let me tell you. You're special, there's a reason why you're here and there's a reason why things happen. I won't tell you to quit cold turkey, but you're young. Like, YOUNG. You don't need to be doing all this shit. Next time you feel down, just keep yourself occupied. You know what helps get things off…

  • Best thing you can do for now? Keep your mind away from it. Get yourself SO busy you don't even have time to think of it before you go to bed because you're that exhausted. Listen to pop music NOT about love or sad stuff. Keep the happy bees in. You'll learn to accept it eventually.

  • Friendship isn't about burdening someone. I think when people tell me crap about their lives, they don't burden me. But that I'm glad that they told me at least. So I can help them, by at least getting it out of their system. We should talk. Hit me up.

  • Wow. That's a WHOLE bunch of shit to go through when you're not even fifteen. You, my friend, I'd like to talk to. Do you have MSN or something? I think most importantly, you have start quitting doing shit. I know, it's the shit that you did that made the pain ease or just non exsistant for a bit, but hun, it's what's bringing you down. You're going to have to have a clear picture in your head of who YOU really want to be. Where you want to be, what you want to do. What makes you happy genuinely…

  • Hey there. John was just trying to help you out there, girl. No need to be so harsh. Don't look so down on everyone, maybe that's what's keeping you away from having good friends. I'd love to chat with you. Drop a message or we can do MSN or Skype.

  • Wow. First off, I think you're amazingly strong. Hang in there girl, you're so much better than him and you deserve SO SO SO much more. He's a fucking asshole. And what you did right now by sharing this, you just proved that you can move on beyond him. To be honest, he's always going to be a part of you. You won't forget that shit, no matter how hard you try. I say you have to learn to accept what's happened and move on. There are tons of better guys out there. Tell your friends, they need to be…

  • If you really knew me, you'd know just how fucked up I really am.

  • Re: Homeschooling

    Katrina- - - General Advice


    I think once you're old enough and you can still handle having a social life and not becoming a turtle, homeschooling is fine. It's just when it's at a really young age and all it messes you up socially. It might do that now as well, but it depends on the person, really. Going to a public high school will help you learn to be yourself and stand up to shit. Or, of course, succumb to it. If you want to, I say, try it. Who knows? It might be the best decision you'll ever make.

  • Nah, you're just a grammar nazi Don't worry I know tons of people whose English makes me want to hit them, but I just correct it all in my head, so it's all good now. You'll get used to it.

  • Re: akward....

    Katrina- - - General Advice


    It's awkward to you of course. Not to them.

  • Just ask. It could be silly stuff or "Man, I've been in love with you for years and now I'm saying it". I know that would be an awkward thing to ask, but hey, better safe than sorry.

  • Talk to her. Don't make it seem like things won't work out, but say it in a way where you ask her if she's ever thought of the possibilty that it might not. If she has, ask her what she'd do about it, give her advice. Tell her you hope for the best, but you can't help but be afraid of what will happen otherwise. Be honest. But really, hun, there's really nothing you can do. Just stay by her side, when the things are good, and most importantly when the things get bad. Just be there, that's more t…

  • I think she was overreacting, but hun, you are kind of as well. Just go with it, like some people said above, 20 and in her house? I don't think you have much room to argue.

  • Re: I Love my parents.

    Katrina- - - Friends and Family


    It's stupid to hate your parents for little things like not getting you that car you wanted. But, I can understand it when they are totally dysfunctional and stuff, going around abusing the kids and all. I personally love my parents. I don't get along all that well with my dad, but I could never say I hated him. I love him a lot. And my mom, even more than that. I'm thankful for what they do for me, even though they are psychotic and crazy at times. If it's because you think it's cool to hate yo…

  • They obviously aren't true friend then. Get new friends, they aren't worth it.