Search Results

Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • As I was making my way to Washington, DC this past weekend, I was thinking about my business and ways in which I can be a motivational source for my clients. I believe that is truly the role of the coach — to be that “shot in the arm” for a client when they just can’t muster up enough passion on their own to push towards their goal and keep their eyes on the mark. Making good life-style choices is more than just picking the apple over the apple pie or the multi-grain bread over the “white demon”…

  • Fall Is In the Air

    seo3in1fitness - - Health and Fitness


    Well, it’s hard to believe it’s September. Every year at this time, we all sit around and chime in a chorus of “it seems like we just celebrated the 4th of July.” Although I would love to live in a warmer climate, I think there is something about the autumn in Pennsylvania that revives a ton of memories for me. It’s kind of cool to take out the jeans again — and not roast to death while wearing them. The coolness in the air also makes me want to rip the boots out of my closet. I love boots. I ha…

  • It’s quite late. I’m hearing the hum of trucks commuting along the distant highways. It’s Sunday night, which means there are plenty of those. “Trucks” I mean. Seems like a lonely night to be driving with family left behind. But, I guess that’s the life of a trucker. As I’m sitting here at my computer I was thinking about stress and how it affects our lives. For the trucker, it’s the constant bouncing in a not-so-comfortable cab and, sometimes, in not-so-lovely weather. I doubt they eat correctl…

  • Well, the weather has been fabulous in those parts of the country that actually experience the colors of autumn! It hasn’t been too rainy or too cold. So, let me ask you. What has been stopping you from moving your body? If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because you believe that exercise has to be complicated. You feel if you don’t go to a gym or a Tai Chi class or lift weights — you just can’t reap any benefits. Let me tell you straight up: you’re dead wrong! Yes, it would be highly beneficial if…

  • I talk to people all day long about health issues….their high blood pressure, their high stress level, their high cholesterol, and their pains — in pretty much every place they have a place. I notice one common thread among various types of people who don’t even know each other: None of them eat in balance or have a regular exercise program. Now, the two operative words in the previous sentence are “balance” and “regular”. Often, there is so much lost in the process of communication because each…

  • If I had to give you one BIG piece of advice over these next few weeks it would be this: TURN OFF YOUR NEWS STATIONS! OK…so it’s nice to be informed. But, if you’re feeling as I am, I believe I am more informed than I’d like to be. The media is painting a picture of “gloom and doom”, which certainly isn’t lifting our spirits much. And, this negativity is certainly not creating gratitude for what we DO have. I’m hearing so much about the horrible economy and how no one has any money. But, on a tr…

  • The holidays and presents and cookies and tree lights are long gone. But, how are those pounds doing? OK. Sorry I asked. You’re back at the office for a few weeks now and nothing has really changed. It almost feels as if the Holiday Season was a dream you had while sitting at your computer — head resting, cradled in a clenched fist on each side of your chin. WAKE UP!!! December 31st deadlines are over. It’s time to race to the March 31st deadlines now. “Initiatives” are now being implemented for…

  • Fortunately, for me, I had a really good reason to escape the end of winter in Northeastern PA. I had a business meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona hosted by TriVita — a company for which I sell nutritional products. The products work in tandem with my health coaching practice as the needs arise. Back in 2004 when I began cultivating a relationship with the fine folks at TriVita, the fact that the company is located in my favorite state in the USA was an added bonus. So, when I was invited to attend…

  • I know the Holidays are just around the corner. Oh…wait! I guess you could say they are actually “here”! Does that feel a bit overwhelming to some of you? OK…MOST of you? A part of me is actually having difficulty believing that it’s almost Christmas. Didn’t I JUST put away those ornaments? And, wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that I cradled an ornament hook in between my toes that had nestled into my carpeting! OK…so you’re telling me we’re talking 11 months ago? The year has slipped by. You’re …

  • Fortunately, for me, I had a really good reason to escape the end of winter in Northeastern PA. I had a business meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona hosted by TriVita — a company for which I sell nutritional products. The products work in tandem with my health coaching practice as the needs arise. Back in 2004 when I began cultivating a relationship with the fine folks at TriVita, the fact that the company is located in my favorite state in the USA was an added bonus. So, when I was invited to attend…

  • ‘Twas the night after Christmas, when all through your hips, were pockets of fat cells and dimply dips. Your triceps are hung ‘neath your armpits with care, When you look in the mirror you feel only despair. The credit cards — nestled all maxed out — with dread, While visions of bankruptcy dance in your head. The kids are all fighting over toys they’ve received, So much for the “Merry” – we’ve all been deceived. Your head is just spinning with all kinds of clatter, And what’s making things worse…