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  • Wow my best friend said to do the same thing. Thanks guys. I'm going to ask during a slow dance. - Agito

  • Well I also had this problem when I was in 5th grade. Lol First date ever I failed epicly. It wasn't cute, it was more pathetic. Try talking about some interesting things you did. A date I had in 7th grade with this girl, I was nervous. After hanging with her, just having small talk in a starbucks, we walked out and I just started to go on about some funny things I did with my brothers. She kept asking questions and I kept answering. it went on like that for the rest of the night. Im sure if you…

  • Well I really really like this girl at school, and we really get along well. Its that same story you always hear about.... but i want to ask her out in the most creative (not super weird romantic) and I can't use the note in locker thing since my best friend (a girl) will kill me because she wants to get asked out that way. What are some ways I can ask her out that would be cute or creative? - Agito:hugs:

  • Im getting confirmed!

    Agito - - General Advice


    Okay I'm going through Confirmation this year. I need Confirmation name ideas!!! Anybody have any ideas?:love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1:

  • I go threw a similar phase you are going threw. I get through everyday by knowing that someday, karma will set its course (I know it sounds weird but the way I see it, If i don't turn into a low immature kid like the people in my grade, someday I will have a great life.) But for now I just have to play my cards right, ignore the douches who try to bring me down, and get on with life. Sooner or later there will be a guy or a girl sent down from heaven like a angel and be your friend and lead you …

  • Irony had it. I use to be a popular kid till people just decided to hate on Quade. I kinda lost it there. But a thing that keeps me going is just being myself like dancing and sports. I also am quiet and just try to get threw everyday. I never looked at it that way. Thank you for the help I think i can concentrate more on my life. ~Agito

  • Re: Acne???

    Agito - - Fashion


    Oh acne snackney!(lolwut?) You would look beautiful no matter what blemishes are upon your face. ~Agito

  • I wouldn't drop down to their level in any way shape or form, but if they threaten me physically and they are looking for a fight I won't hesitate to stomp their ass(sorry for the launguage). I ask him whenever I get insulted and he sees it and he just says "Don't worry they will stop" but they never do! I just want him one day to tell them to fuck off and leave when they insult me. I love my brother dearly and we are like best friends, but he never ever will get the guts to stick up to them. ~A…

  • Re: What book should I read?

    Agito - - Films, TV and Books


    Is The Outsiders one of them? If it is I suggest that <3, but if not then I suppose read Life of Pi. Even though the Outsiders is not on the list probably, read it anyways ~Agito

  • Im 14 and still am 5' when everyone else is about 5'5. Oh forget them. Short people are awesome! Even though I'm short, I'm tuff(Hehe tuff :D) I am very strong and that pays off even if your short. ~Agito

  • :( I'm sorry you feel this way! I have gone threw this before. Thinking that everyones life would be better off if you were dead. Well No. You are worth as much as they are. Stay cool and toasty :D. Things will get better if you just put your head up and keep your mind off of it. ~Agito

  • Well you seem to really like this guy. Speak up! Let the world know if you have to. If you truly are obsessed with this guy then you shouldn't hesitate to go ask him for some time alone and then talk it over. If he says no them I'm sure you two could be good friends. And honestly for your friend to tell everyone the notes are fake was a dick move. If she was really your friend she wouldn't of done that, but I'm not going to criticize your relationship with her. You seem like a charming person. T…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Agito - - Teen Sexuality



  • Your help is greatly appreciated :). But one last thing i forgot to metion that makes me die everyday thinking how mad it makes me. My twin brother is friends with all those idiots and he will never ever stick up for me no matter what i say. Apparently he turned out the popular one and me the nerdy one. Im not saying I don't have a social life, I am very friendly with my school friends, but none of them would understand or want to talk about it because we all go through the same situation. If an…

  • No problem. I like helping

  • Use humor. Its a great trait and can pick you up girls easily. But a think you wanna work on is that your young, as am i. I honestly am trying to get over the whole dating thing because if you think about it, how many high school relationships lead to anything more than that, like marriage. I say who cares what people think. As I see it, ugliness is a opinion, not a fact. Girls may find you ugly, but then some might find you hawt and sexy (hehe Hawt :D). When a girl calls you ugly or does someth…

  • Re: My uneasy hair

    Agito - - Fashion


    D: I don't take it the wrong way. But in what way do you mean? Looks? maturity? I would have to say I don't find saying penis in public funny like the immature Retards in my grade.

  • Re: My uneasy hair

    Agito - - Fashion


    GOD! Why does everyone say that! D: Im not mad just surprized why everyone thinks i look like a cute kid

  • General Nobody

    Agito - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    I can barley take life anymore. Its not a emo thing, its more of a why does everyone seem to make me feel unappreciated. If you know a similar feeling, its when you are talking and some douche or popular kid comes out and just shouts "NO!" or "Just go away" or "Your gay" I just hate those random bursts of disgust. I only have a few friends but they are those "school friends" and never hang out. And the biggest thing i hate is I can't talk about girls to my best friend because he never likes to t…

  • My uneasy hair

    Agito - - Fashion


    Okay well I'm having trouble with my hair. I'm part Asain and of course i get born with odd filipino hair (._.) so i am asking for help. Can anyone help me achieve flatter hair without using a tool or gel and bad smelling products. It annoying me every day so i have to wear a beanie in the morning after taking a shower to make it stay down a bit more. If i don't, i look like a puppet. Here is a picture of when it is semi flat (I dont have any pictures of when i get out of the shower, so i have t…