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  • 1680x1050 yeah son! I know its not that great, but hey.. It was free! You know those CPA e-mail submits? (its like a page that says WIN THIS TYPE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!!) Then you go through a lot of offers and shit blah blah blah, then if you make them money they send you it? yeah.. Winner!

  • Re: cheap education

    KevinJones - - Education & Jobs


    Learn how to be an internet marketer. If you're a quick learner, and do things right.. you'll have a decent amount of money thats literally on auto for you.. It's what I do.. xD sweet job, check it out sometime, working 2 to 3 hours a week? hell yeah! hahaha and its definatley enough money to help pay off those damn student loans.

  • I'm not in the same boat as you, but whatever... So I actually screwing myself over in the long run... For one, back when I was 18, I don't even know what I would progress into even if I did go to college.. But that wouldn't matter cause I don't have my GED/HighSchool Diploma... Hell I just don't like even working at a normal job.. Thats why I sit here, day in and day out working on Internet Marketing.. It's a decent job, you pick your own hours, be your own boss.. But in the long run... I reall…

  • Re: Acne make me crazy

    KevinJones - - Health and Fitness


    Have you tried Witchhazel? I suffered from horrible acne from 13 to about 20, finally got rid of it with Witchhazel. Honestly.. It's all about repetition. If you don't treat it twice a day, EVERY-DAY, it's not gonna get better..