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  • i had to do a school project about this and i found out like 100 years ago there use to be something called global freezing instead of global warming and they thought by 2000 that the entire world would be frozen over by now but it obviously isnt true if were still alive. Then they suddenly came up with gloabl warming. I think its just a way to keep the earth cleaner by recycling and everything

  • i live in london and ive never heard half of these sayings and days in my life lol

  • Re: Abortion.

    xx2k7princessxx - - Debate and Discussions


    i think it depends on the situation for example hopefully dis wnt happen to anyone say if some1 got raped and they became pregnant they would need to have an abortion but its not right if someone just decides not to use contrapception and they no the concequences of there actions and choose to have an abortion

  • i think it depends where you live really because in live n wat skl u go 2 in my school every says it as a joke and stuff not as if there trying to be racist or nothing and people dont care what skin colour you are to say it. im black myself n if 1 of my frends was to say it to me as a joke what ever there skin colour i wont be offended coz i no there jokin

  • i dont think they did because how would they be able to hide the body without the police finding anything, but all the DNA stuff just doent make any sense. I still dont understand why anyone would leave there children under the age of 10 by themselves in another country just to go out and have dinner. Its not even like there teenagers that they can look after themselves yet.

  • i think this is very very wrong if there sooooo curious then why dont they just ask a close friend of the opposite sex