Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Re: Gay people are awesome

    xekaj - - Gay



  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    xekaj - - LGBT


    Quote from adamEcstacy: “It's like, you can't change the way a man has thought for forty or so years about this, when they've had so many years of reinforcement, if you know what I mean.” That's true. My dad's felt like this since he was a kid . . . and since I guess it's not really a situation where either of us can change, I'll have to wait it out. I'd still rather he get over it sooner than later, though. Quote from Bazinga!: “Also, I'm sorry if i'm out of place to ask... but i notice yo have…

  • Hmm, lemme try . . . . . . nah.

  • Dad hates gays :(

    xekaj - - LGBT


    So, I found out very recently that I'm :gay:. I've know for a long time that my dad isn't very fond of gays, because he complains all the time about it and also because he won't let my best friend in the house anymore, who is gay (and apparently my boyfriend now :P) . . . He's one of those awful religious types that think being gay is unnatural and gross. I'm not one to pretend to be someone I'm not, so I told him I'm gay right away after I was sure. He actually took it a lot better than I thoug…