Please advice...

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    • Re: Please advice...

      KTW123 wrote:

      I easily get hurt.

      Friends, Family, Anyone...

      I was so weak heart.

      Please let us know how to get hurt less.

      I am very serious...

      Physically I'm weak. But mentally I'm strong over the past three years I have trained myself to expect nothing from no one but to still constantly help others. To be strong just believe your strong. Viola its done. As long as there's a flame in your heart lit you will forever be strong. When you feel weak or feel sad or depressed always look at the positive. best to help. :) In Catholicism there's the seven gifts of the spirit in Confucianism there is WuChang ( Ren (仁, Humanity), Yi (義, Righteousness), Li (禮, Ritual), Zhi (智, Knowledge), Xin (信, Integrity), and there is also classical Sizi (四字) with four elements: Zhong (忠, Loyalty), Xiao (孝, Filial piety), Jie (節, Continency), Yi (義, Righteousness) These are the things to me that are most important for each human to have.If you believe in yourself and have a strong desire anything is possible. Please be more specific so I can understand your situation better.
      Bros B4 Ho's (Unless they're hot)
      Go Jesus. Thats right i said it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Quitethejoke ().

    • Re: Please advice...

      Although being metally weak is not great, don't rush into changing yourself so quickly. If you believe there is something wrong with you, you will get hurt more easily. That is your current personality, so don't be ashamed of it no matter what anyone says. If you really want to toughen up though, just keep telling yourself that other peoples opinions don't matter. When people say hurtful things they want you to react, so don't give em what they want. Keep telling yourself "be tough," and you'll see some improvement.
    • Re: Please advice...

      this sounds harsh but make friends with a person who's brutally honest. you'll eventually grow used to criticism and mean comments and you can brush them off. if you're familiar with hard words from someone who's a friend, it'll be easier when someone else says them.
      [COLOR="Indigo"]Chuck Norris knows what Willis is talkin' about :o[/COLOR]