Meaning of Life - a poem

    • Meaning of Life - a poem

      Somebody once asked me,
      “What is the meaning of life?”

      Could I answer it appropriately?
      For it takes true depth of knowledge
      To know exactly what the meaning of life is.

      Maybe it’s to be the individual,
      Longing to find acceptance through isolation.

      Maybe it’s to conform,
      To become everything that you’re not,
      And become everybody’s puppet.

      Maybe it’s to continue learning,
      Figuring out what makes this world,
      And what makes it tick,
      Through reading books made by man.

      Maybe it’s to gain pleasure,
      To love and be loved as everybody longs to be.

      Maybe it’s just to keep questioning,
      To learn from those who have outside knowledge,
      Other than that of your own.

      To yearn for the answer is to be disappointed,
      For everyone has a different answer.

      My answer,
      Of course,
      Is to search for a higher existence and truth,
      Than that of the rational,
      Yet greedy intellect of man.

      Hate me for my answer,
      For it may not be your own,
      But please,
      Don’t criticize me for having a mind.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]I write because no one listens to me

      Nothing keeps me from being set free
