loneliness and depression in a vacation in California

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    • loneliness and depression in a vacation in California

      hello to all,
      just wanted to show how much fun im having in this wonderful place.
      Im italian american, i know both languages and I live in italy.
      I come to cali every summer and spend my vacation here on beaches etc.
      I met a lot of people during the years, but never kept in contact cuz i was away for a whole year.Last year I stared lifeguards and had a lot a fun.
      The problem was that the fun was only in the morning, and the rest of the day I didnt do shit.I was alone alll summer...
      Being italian and going out night and day and getting stuck home every day is not all that fun.
      Now this year I wanted to work it out: im in great shape physically but mentally am not.why would I be lonely if i have fun all day with cool surfer kids that surf all day. THe problem is i feel different.Too different. I may know english well but the slang not so much , so I dont sound like one o these guys.Most of the people here surf all damn day and I dont surf, well at least I started.So they tell me where they go its too difficult and they will take me someplace else.The thing is I keep hearing ppl they'd take me to awesome parties and meet cute chicks and blabla but that never happens! After the damn thing Im all alone all day, which doesnt make me want to go to many places cuz im on my one.
      The thing is I dont feel accepted at all and you would expect that can change if im still going to be here for another 2 months but if it keeps going like this I dont know.
      I already have too many stoner friends back in the other country that dont do anything and im in a hard ass school, at least the summer has to well right?
      I just want some attention,not feel rejected and all ( oh yea im in a house with a grandfather that has been mourning his wife for over a year,crying all day,guess that doesnt help does it??)
      Not to mention that the only thing that gave me hope was this cottage were I could throw parties all summer, but my fuckhead uncle rented it (illigally ) for a couple months and I have been trying to kick the ppl out but no success..that would have acctually worked :(
      I would gladly accept anything that would put me thinking in a way that doesnt put me down so much,thank you!:)