I've graduated high school & one of my male teacher asked me out to lunch. Yes or No?

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    • Re: I've graduated high school & one of my male teacher asked me out to lunch. Yes or

      coldplays wrote:

      I'm Chinese, female, 18, and I have graduated from high school last week.

      So this teacher I'm talking about is my English teacher. He's British and he's probably in his late 40s.

      I've known him for many years now, and I get along with him very well, both in lessons and out of lesson.

      We sms and email quite frequently, and it is usually me who starts the conversation.

      But a few days ago, he took the initiative and sms me and asked me to call him.
      We've never had a phone conversation before but I found it quite pleasant, perhaps it was not appropriate? It was late in the evening.

      Then, one day after our conversation, he asked me out for lunch. I agreed and our lunch is two weeks from now.

      Should I have agreed? I really enjoy spending time with him, and lunch sounds like a great chance for us to get to learn more about each other...

      But then again, is it inappropriate? I need some advice!!
      Thank you!

      Chances are, he just wants to fuck you. If you're ok with that, go to this date.

      ---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 AM ----------

      Scaredycrow wrote:

      Is there any other students he's good friends with that he'd ask to do the same thing?

      I'm pretty much in agreement with everyone else on the issue, but I wish you luck -- hopefully he just wants to keep in contact. If he gets too flirty, don't flirt back. Make it obvious that you're just meeting him to have lunch, not for anything more than friendship. I hope you don't have to worry about it and it's just a good time!

      It's not a good idea to accept this date if you want nothing from him. go on lunch dates with people your own age, but not a 40 year old teacher

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Papa Bear ().

    • Re: I've graduated high school & one of my male teacher asked me out to lunch. Yes or

      That's very inappropriate. You just graduated from high school. He probaly the type that gets young girls because he likes control. I wouldn't trust that. good luck
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