Im getting ready to commit suicide..

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    • Im getting ready to commit suicide..

      :nono:Hey ,

      my name is Laura..
      I have a mother and she's a lesbian..
      shes beeen together with her wife Mary for 8 months..
      Ever scince theey got together i have been ignored , called names and neglected by my own mother.. i cant stand living with this anymore..
      my freinds mom said i can move in with her but i dont want my mom to never talk to me again.. I just dont know how to deal with this.. I've been to a therapist and that worked for about.. a week ? i have supportive friends and my brother is always there for me .. but it doesnt help.
      me and my mom used to be so close and do everything together.. now im lucky if i get to have a conversaation with her..
      please help me :confused:
    • Re: Im getting ready to commit suicide..

      Have you tried sitting down with your mom and talking to her about the way she's been treating you? If not, I think you should at least try to be heard and let her know how you feel. If that doesn't work, you can always write her a letter and give it to her. It may seem like it may not help you at all, but it doesn't hurt to try. Whatever you do, just be honest with her. It sounds like she needs a big reality check, so I think you should tell her exactly how you feel.

      You don't deserve to be treated this way and if you have the opportunity to be better off staying with someone else, I think you should at least consider it. Do what's best for yourself. If talking to your mom doesn't work and she continues to treat you badly, I think you should take yourself out of that situation and into a better one. It's not fair to you, and maybe even another family member can help you out and intervene. It's understandable that you're worried about your mom not talking to you anymore, but it's better that your best interest is put first.

      Suicide is never the answer. You said yourself that you have supportive friends and your brother is always there for you. It may not be enough to fix your situation, but I'm sure with their support, it does make it a little easier to cope with. You have people that care about you. You have the chance to get out of this situation without taking your own life, so that right there should show you that there is a better way of getting out of this. This is only temporary, suicide isn't.

      Hope this helped. Good luck with everything.
    • Re: Im getting ready to commit suicide..

      Jasmine wrote:

      This is only temporary, suicide isn't.

      I jut wanted to say that this is a really powerful sentence...i guess this is what stops me from comitting suicide sometimes...the idea that you cant take back or fix the decision to kill yourself.

      Anyways, do you think that your mother is neglecting you because of her partner? Maybe you should try to talk to her about all of this, depending on the role she has in the problem. But like Jasmine said, you have these forums, your brother, and your friends, and also a way out thats not suicide all in your favor. If i were you, id move out, because your mom should care eough about you to keep in contact. If she dosent care about you enough to talk to you, why should you care enough to stay in your house?

      Let me know if you need any more talking time :D
    • Re: Im getting ready to commit suicide..

      Jasmine had a powerful message and something you need to think about. I'd write my own opinion but it would only mirror what she has already said and so I'll merely place emphasis on considering living elsewhere.

      Your environment has a lot to do with your mental state, even if bad things are happening all around you if you are supported by your environment you will be able to endure it and be happy. The environment your mother has placed you in since she has decided to engage in a closer relationship again is negative for you and staying in a negative environment won't improve who you are. It is fearful because it is new, because you expect your mother to protect you but you may have to grow up sooner than you wish.

      Be strong.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return
    • Re: Im getting ready to commit suicide..

      i don't know if this would work, never had any experience like this, but maybe try putting up items that reminds her of you or the times you had together? or remind her how lonely she was without your father and thats how lonely you are without her? (given she felt lonely without her husband/your father) if she doesn't notice maybe talk to her about it? if it fails and you're absolutely sure she doesn't care call child care? again, don't know if i am right for this, just putting out ideas...