Is It Too Late To Turn Back?

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    • Is It Too Late To Turn Back?

      Hi all.

      I'd like some advice from people who hopefully know what they're talking about.
      (sorry about the length, but i'm looking for some real opinions)

      So I was in a wonderful relationship last winter, which lasted 4 and a half beautiful months. I thought I had finally figured out what love was, and that I had found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I know, it's corny and not very believable, but that's how I felt. :\

      As you can probably imagine, he left me. It didn't come as a complete shock, because we had been having little squabbles for a couple of months. The honeymoon phase of the relationship was over, and I think we were both feeing very uneasy about what the future would bring (I graduated this year, he still has another year to go).

      He didn't like a lot of things about me, but I knew he loved me and cared for me. I was never happy with anything, I was stressed out a lot because of school and home problems, I sometimes lashed out at him when I was angry or sad (mostly because I could feel my control over the relationship starting to slip away) and it just turned into a huge "it's all my fault" mess.

      He did some stupid shit too, mind you. He's a good kid and was very honest and genuine with me about things, but he just did some really stupid things... like not making any effort to do something for my birthday in march. Hell, he wouldn't even SAY "happy birthday". It was really disappointing, but for some reason he couldn't make himself do anything. He apologized to me in great lengths about the situation, and I forgave him, of course. His love meant more to me than a birthday ever could. His excuse was that he had no real attachment to material things, therefore he couldn't buy me anything. -sigh- To this day I'm still confused by the whole situation.

      Anyway, back to the actual problem, he broke up with me at school one day after I made a huge mistake and stormed out of the cafeteria when I randomly got pissed off at something. I hardly remember what. It was two days after I had returned home from a school band trip. It was the longest time he and I had been apart since we had been together. I was disappointed with him because i got no welcome home, really. I had noticed the passion in our relationship begin to fade a few weeks before the trip, and i was getting very worried. He was very good about calling me while I was away, though, and he even came to the school with me when I got dropped off to leave for the trip.

      So when he told me that he "thought [he] loved [me]" and "[doesn't] know what love is" I was, to put it lightly, destroyed. I made some big mistakes then, and went on a crazy rampage of screaming and crying. This obviously drove him away even more, but this had never happened to me before, so I couldn't help myself.

      I tried to convince myself that our relationship just needed a few weeks to cool down, and then we'd get back together and the passion we used to have would be there again. Unfortunately, when I did try to be friends with him again, I made yet another mistake, which was pursuing him with questions about the breakup. He didn't want to hear any of that, and thus he deemed the friendship impossible. He blocked me on facebook after that, and we've seldom spoken since.

      He took a long time to explain things to me, but I still don't believe that this should have ended. I guess my question is: is it too late for me to try to rekindle some kind of friendship, and then possibly a new romance with him in the future? I'm not talking like two weeks here. I'm willing to wait a lifetime for this boy. I just don't know where to go from here.

      Also: yes, I have tried to move on. I technically have a new boyfriend now, but I can't make myself have feelings for him. He doesn't fit with me like my ex did, and he doesn't make me feel like my ex did (and still does). I've been bone-crushingly depressed since April 14th, and I just want my happy life back.

      What can I do to try to ease my way back into my ex's life without scaring him away?
      Please help me, I really need it.

      Thank you for your support.

      - arashiwolf26

      The post was edited 1 time, last by arashiwolf26 ().

    • Re: Is It Too Late To Turn Back?

      Sadly nothing. If he's over you then he's over you. Trying to get him jealous or someother plan like might bring you guys together but it'll lead to another break up. I think the best option is maybe to get over him and learn that it was kind of him of you're faults. Learning from bad relationships always helps with new ones. Also the birthday part kind of got to me because GL.
      Bros B4 Ho's (Unless they're hot)
      Go Jesus. Thats right i said it.