Is it Possible to Lose a Pound a Week?

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    • Is it Possible to Lose a Pound a Week?

      It’s a million dollar question for those who want to lose their weight as fast as possible. It sounds impossible at first. But actually it’s not. A pound of fat is equal to around 3500 calories of energy. If you really want to lose one pound of fat within a week, you have to burn 500 calories per day either by consuming fewer calories or burning more through physical activities. It gets much easier when you combine them both. The most efficient starting point is to just cut 250 calories of food from your daily diets and burn the other half through exercise.

      Basic rules for consuming fewer calories are to avoid junk foods completely and also to cut the calorie thumping carbonated drinks unless it is the diet version. Replacing lunch with proteins as much as possible rather than carbohydrate heavy meals are recommended. Trying to have vegetable or fruit salad without any of those “Thousand Islands” at dinner time is a good idea as well.
      For burning calories through physical activities, simply taking quick 30 minute walks every day is a good starting point. Try to do your household works for at least an hour, dance with your favorite music and play with your loved ones in the evening. Try to use stairs than elevator in your office. Do some free hand exercise or yoga everyday in the morning.

      After that you’ll proudly say, “It’s definitely possible to lose a pound a week.
    • Re: Is it Possible to Lose a Pound a Week?

      There are tons and tons of articles online about how easy it is to lose one pound per week - general recommendations are a half pound or pound every week; sometimes it's 3 pounds every two weeks. It's better to lose weight slowly, and one pound/week would be an okay goal, depending on how much you weigh and how much weight you want to lose.

      I think the recommended daily calorie intake is somewhere around 2000 (though it varies from person to person), and many people get more than that. As the OP suggested, a 250 calorie cut per day would be a good start and would not be difficult to do. For junk snackers, a chocolate bar and can of pop together is more than 250 calories, or for others simply cutting down on serving size or not helping oneself to seconds is another easy way of cutting down. It doesn't require crazy strict dieting, just a little bit of change and control. :)