Worst Teachers you've had!

    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      when i was like 7 years old, we had this evil evil teacher, i swear this women got off on making little kids cry. she made me cry one day because i got a math question wrong. and she wouldnt let kids go to the bathroom when they needed it, which led to kids wetting themselves and she she would say, why didnt you tell me you needed the bathroom i would have let you go!! just a horrible person!!! :)
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      kopite wrote:

      when i was like 7 years old, we had this evil evil teacher, i swear this women got off on making little kids cry. she made me cry one day because i got a math question wrong. and she wouldnt let kids go to the bathroom when they needed it, which led to kids wetting themselves and she she would say, why didnt you tell me you needed the bathroom i would have let you go!! just a horrible person!!! :)

      :o i woulda just left the room to go. man that is EVIL!
      not even the fun kind either
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      When I was 6, I was in art class and we were drawing trees. My EVIL teacher told us to draw the bark with our brown coloured pencil first, and then raise our hand so she could check it and then we could get our green coloured pencil and start on the leaves. Well, my only brown coloured pencil broke, so I raised my hand to ask if I could sharpen. She marched over to me, and without even letting me ask my question first, she started yelling at me about how I wasn't done my tree trunk yet and I needed to listen better.

      That class was at the end of the day, and I went home crying :(
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      amando96 wrote:

      When we're young we think we will die if we don't do as we're told, at least I did :( :p

      that's so true.

      now though, I'm going whether the teacher lets me or not (and one teacher would not let us this year. and i had her class right after my lunch period. :()
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      When I was 12, I had an English teacher. He was very bad, but he taught me how to say "bugger off" :D

      But the worse I had was a physical/chemical teacher last year. The year before, my average was 18.5/20. In his class, I only got marks like 4 or 5/20 :(

      [RIGHT]:lovey: Jam is the best sister in the world :lovey:
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      One of my math professors. She was the worst. First, she would talk really fast and rush through hard material, and then yell at students when they didn't get it. She would also belittle people for asking questions, and then once everyone was to scared to open their mouths, she would yell at people for not asking questions when they fail her quizzes and tests. She also assigned, literally a fifty page computer programming project, failing to realize that the college she was teaching in is a commuter school, meaning most of her students have jobs and or families to take care of. She would also treat her students, who ranged in ages from 19 to 50+ like 5 year olds.
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      I had an insane substitute teacher for Anatomy and Physiology. She brought in newspaper clippings about random things and read them aloud to the class as we tried to work. If anyone didn't give her their undivided attention, she went on a long, multi-pitched, sarcastic rant about how whatever we were doing was more important than respect for her.

      Another sub I had was a former supporter of the Nazi party who still doesn't believe in the Holocaust.

      I'm very wary about subs, and you can see why.
      [SIZE=2]Your Favorite Lovable Mascot: ZAPFOX! :poke:[/SIZE]
      [CENTER]Stop Military Rape!
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      8th grade science teacher, mr. luchans
      complete creep. added me on facebook, likes my statuses, comments them sometimes, always called on me and my friends (only the girls) in class, graded me the hardest, always failed me in the end.
      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Courier"][COLOR="Pink"][RIGHT]not all sharks are in the water, dear.[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      There is no one I have hated more than Andrea McAllister (a.k.a. the Devil). I was mugged for my school laptop, and she still got mad when I couldn't turn in my work on time (most of it is electronic). She has been a bitch to EVERY student in the school (not just her own). If it wasn't for the law, I would've killed that bitch. Surprised I haven't smart-talked her yet.

      And I just realized I have to retake her class next year X(
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    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      I don't know why but i'm not among teacher's favourites students ...

      5-7th grade my math and BLAN (bulgiarian language and litterature) teacher hated me. It was like whatever i did i wasn't able to get an "A", even the "B" was hard. My BLAN teacher was used to say to me "I am asking you very easy questions, the type of questions i am giving to the gypsies (i'm sorry that i use that word but i don't know a proper one). You know less even than them. I remember that i was thinking that this is never going to end. The final grade was very importnat for me, because i was going to high school and to go in a proper one i needed high score on the exams and in school. One day we got a exam that wasn't going to be еstimated by her. I got the highest score in the entire school and with that "evidence" i got my "A".

      Well the math is a different story. My teacher was one old lady. She knew that i was good and she did everything to take away that from me. She succed i don't know anything (this year my final grade was C). I hated her i hated math she wrote my "B" for final grade and everybody else who were going to high school she wrote "A". Because of her i didn't went to my first choice school but now i'm happy with my own i have great classmates and i am not dissappointed from the school i'm attending at.

      In my new school there this year my chemistry teacher "cut my wings off" with her shitty grade "B". Well anyway my final sum score from all subjects was "A", so she didn't succed but was very close.

      My English teacher is kinda pain in the ass too, but i have "A" so i stand her. At least she doesn't give me bad notes only because she hates me. (we're on pre-intermediate level english at school).

      Phew, i have writen a lot.
      Sorry for my mistakes.

      PP. There should have a topic named "Best teachers you've had". After all some teachers not only the pure evil ; P !
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      hbic wrote:

      so yeah don't go saying names etc or yeah don't threaten them to death... Just explain what made them unbearable

      So I went to a catholic high school and was required to take religion every year, and there was this religion teacher that was hardcore team god. Her day would start by coming into her class and throwing salt on all the chairs, then during class time would start with a 15 minute prayer followed by telling someone they chewed gum like a prostitute. After those super exciting events there was talk of harry potter and other wizards, which proceeded with her throwing salt at the students. Similar events would happen to anyone who mentions the davinci code. Another incident was someone had an allergic reaction to the ashes from Ash Wednesday she called him the devil and told him he was going to hell.

      So what are your stories?

      Nothing as wonderfully weird as that but one of my teachers messed up the whole class's coursework once so we all got 3 grades lower than we were supposed to. I had to resit part of the course during my gap year in order to get into university. :nono:

      And she was an awful teacher in general.
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      6th grade math teacher. She always mocked us and insulted us whenever we got something wrong.

      I once told her that maybe.. just maybe.. she shouldn't insult us like that. With the look on her face, I thought she was gonna backhand me in the face.
      [CENTER] "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."[/CENTER]
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      My Drama teacher, bless her, was given a little to incompetence. There was that time that she suddenly realised we had twice as much coursework to do as she'd given us, and then the other time that she insisted we do a piece of work that the specification specifically said she had to do. We had to go up through the powers that be to push that one through, it was ridiculous.

    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      I would say my 7th grade algebra teacher. One day, I was reading something my friend had written, still managing to take fairly good notes, when she spotted me, stormed over, grabbed the notebook and threw it into the trash, And then after the class, she was all apologies and smiles. And later, while explaining a problem to us, she said we might as well slit our wrists if we got it wrong. So yeah... And my biology teacher this year flipped and made us write her apologies, which she read through, laughing quite loudly with this "They're so stupid" expression. This teacher also has a block of Styrofoam on her office wall that she beats her head against. Which is legit, I know people who've seen it. Not even getting into my 8th grade French teacher or my music teacher in elementary school.
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      I had this one teacher in grade 8 and 9 who taught math. I don't know what it was about her but I had trouble comprehending what she taught and ended up failing math in those grades. I went to summer school for grade 8 math and came out with honours. When I went to school in grade 9 I had her again for math and failed again. Then when I went to high school she put me in the lowest level of math which consisted of worksheets from like grade 5. I felt like such and idiot and the counselor wouldn't let me go into a higher level of math and ruined my chances of getting into university :/
    • Re: Worst Teachers you've had!

      Ugh my senior year I was in the AP English class. My teacher was a dick with a degree and loved reminding us of that every day. We spent the majority of the year practicing for a super expensive AP test that, if passed, would earn us college credit. My college doesn't accept the credits though so I wasn't going to take the test. He basically told me I would never amount to anything and was a sorry excuse for a student...(I ranked 8 in my class). Nice dude... :/