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    • this is very urgent!

      was just wondering if i am in the wrong, or my parents are. hear me out first:

      i started it all by calling my father "idiot", and he returned the favour by twisting my arm so much and dragged me outside the house (where he always puts me when i'm "behaving bad", even though i'm already 15). it's not only humiliating as the neighbours can see me crying outside, but also hurtful. i have bruises and scratches which are slowly turning into scars from 3 days ago when the incident happened. this happens quite a lot, but i have to admit it is usually me who triggers them (both my parents, usually my father).

      they always make it seem like it is my own fault, which i still believe it is. when i swear at them, unintentionally, or just refuse to budge off the computer, i always have to suffer from some form of 'abuse'. should this be allowed??
    • Abuse should never be allowed, no matter what you do. That's not right at all, and your neighbor should be doing something about it rather than just staring at you like idiots. Nobody deserves that sort of treatment for letting a word slip or not getting off the computer. The most that should happen over the computer thing is just to lose privileges to it for a day or something, not to get dragged out of your house by your arm. I suggest you talk to them about it, and if that doesn't help, talk to someone else about it.
    • No, that shoudnt be allowed. Abuse is never the answer - and if thats how your parents treat you then no wonder your abit rebellious. I would suggest either talking to your parents when theyre in a good mood or maybe another family member, and aunt or uncle or maybe your nan or grandad?
      If your neighbours see you do they ever ask if your alright? If they see you out there crying on a regular basis they should have reported it or asked you if you were alright.
      Twisting your arm and dragging you outside isnt a reasonable punishment. Maybe grouding or something. Even if you are slightly exagerating (which im not suggesting) physical contact of any kind isnt acceptable for hogging the computer or saying something bad. You should really talk to someone and get that sorted because its not right what theyre doing.
      You say you are the one who triggers it. Your a child, theyre the adults and they should know better so dont blame this on yourself. Your allowed to make mistakes and be slightly rebelious thats what teenagers do.
      Talk to someone - it could really help.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Zachary Jayden, My precious little [/SIZE][SIZE=3]man, I love you with all my heart ♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • T. Only are. Getting physical abuse Brit ur goin to suffer mental abuse humilition is one cause of u thinking it's all ur fault for wat ever happpends but since ur father has been doin this for a while (I am guessing) u feel to blame urself but it is most ur fathers for acing tht way just talk to ur father tell him how u feel how he makes u feel but also you need to calm dwn a lil I kno ur hittin ht age tht u r like fuk everytjin Ima do wat I want but u also have to remember ur dad and how he reacts just try to listen to him and do wat ur suppose to ok bcus my father used to b abusive bleave me I'm mentally scarred of how my father used to hot me n my mother he wud come home drunk with guns threatning us n stuff n now it's hard to even see him as a father figure so yea I kno wat ur goin thru but just keep ur head up ok I hope everythin
      works out for the best
    • It sounds like you may be unable to talk to your parents about this, is there a relative or family member that you could tell and explain the situation? That way they could be there as a witness/referee when you discuss with your parents. Ask your parents if you can sit down and have a family discussion about punishment and tell them you have something to say. Tell them its hurtful, upsetting and physical abuse when they do that to you and really not okay. Ask if instead you could all brainstorm different consequences that are reasonable like grounding if thats what it takes( to make them happy, so they feel you are compromising instead)
      You should tell them that what they are doing is physical abuse and illegal. There are serious consequneces for that, and you shouldn't hesitate to say that it either needs to stop or your parents need to either talk to someone (therapy or take a parenting class so they can find a different way to handle themselves when they get pissed) or let you stay with someone else for a little while.
      I don't really know your situation so it really depends, but I hope this helps.

      abuse is wrong, and you dont' deserve it. Physical punishment isn't okay period, not on that level, and not at that age. I can see before a child can really understand words, gently hitting a hand that gets to close to a stove or wires so they learn that its dangerous, but not actually harming the child. I don't agree with spanking but some families do it, and I can't really judge. I do not think its an ideal way to parent but it doesn't have to be traumatic and really awful. Everything parenting should be done towards teaching and helping their child grow.

      so no, what is happening to you is in no way okay.
    • Willardlol wrote:

      Well maybe you should watch your mouth next time and you won't find yourself in that situation.
      I actually agree with this. What do you expect to happen if you cuss or call someone an idiot? You're going to get your ass beat. Friend, kid at school, or father, isn't going to like being insulted.

      Of course, they shouldn't abuse you, but when you say it's normally when you swear at them.. I start to believe that part of it is your fault. Quit pissing them off. Next time fight back even.
    • hurtchild wrote:

      this is very urgent!

      was just wondering if i am in the wrong, or my parents are. hear me out first:

      i started it all by calling my father "idiot", and he returned the favour by twisting my arm so much and dragged me outside the house (where he always puts me when i'm "behaving bad", even though i'm already 15). it's not only humiliating as the neighbours can see me crying outside, but also hurtful. i have bruises and scratches which are slowly turning into scars from 3 days ago when the incident happened. this happens quite a lot, but i have to admit it is usually me who triggers them (both my parents, usually my father).

      they always make it seem like it is my own fault, which i still believe it is. when i swear at them, unintentionally, or just refuse to budge off the computer, i always have to suffer from some form of 'abuse'. should this be allowed??

      LOL. Sounds like you have computer addiction and a sailor's tongue. Chill the hell out and stop pretending like your life is filled with soooo much drama. :gay:
    • Calling your folks idiots will never end well. At the very least, they're overreacting. Do they do these things to you gratuitously? Or only when you curse at them and don't do what you say? If it's gratuitous, seek external help. If not, work on yourself to stop giving them reasons. What they're doing is wrong, but it sounds like something you can control.