[suicide] im confused

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    • [suicide] im confused

      i been reading a bunch of crap about people wanting to kill themselves im just curious howcome everyone always tries to stop them? they're not being selfish. you are. you holding them back from the sweet release of death. anyways i been thinking of killing myself too. one less problem right? but im not a do it yourself kinda guy can some please kill me there is a reward:smash:

      p.s. everyone should die and the world should be run by animals they dont cause pollution
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      Usually, people who are suicidal have been dealing with a burden of emotions for more than just a little time, by trying to help these people and clear their judgment, that's not being selfish. Having to deal with such pain isn't easy it clouds your thought process, it makes you approach situations differently. Sometimes these people just need a push back in the right direction, someone who can help them prioritize their thoughts and clear away some of that fog.

      Some people think death is the best option when a lot of times it isn't, there are people who care in this world, people who are willing to help. It's a matter of summoning enough willpower and courage to reach out for that help.

      All of these thoughts and emotions come from a core, you have to hit rock bottom from a string of unfortunate and horrible events, usually. Although it's bad now, people who are able to overcome such adversity, it says a lot about their character.

      Explain to me, why contemplate suicide? I doubt you're a problem. I wish you would give more explanation though.
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      Honestly, I think the same thing. We were not given the choice to be put on this earth, so we sure as hell should have the right to leave. Right?
      I thought this. I still do sometimes. I hated the people who talked me out of death, and ending all the pain, because I thought, why do I have to suffer for them? What do I have to do to deserve the right to end MY life?

      This all sounds pretty convincing right? I thought so to. And as I read over my own thoughts, I wonder why I'm still alive. Answer: Because the people that love me saved me.
      As Cade said, it really takes time. It took time for me to realize that I needed to accept the help that I got for myself.

      As to your question on why people try and stop them? They are selfish. Plain and simple. They love the person, and they don't want them seeing them blow their life away with the pull of a trigger, or step off a bridge. It is human emotion at work. Your grandfather is sick and you pray for him not to die. People can't help it. They don't want to lose someone they love, or have them killing themselves and then living their life thinking: Could I have done something? Who would they be today if I just called them to make sure they were okay.

      I used to think that "People get over death, I'm not gonna get over wanting to die". People do get over death, but suicide is different than death. It is something not caused by sickness, or a drunk driver. It is caused by a situation that overwhelms a person who needs help. I'm better for now. I don't know if forever, but I do know that if I killed myself, four people would be thinking every night, "I could have stopped her". One person's temporary suffering, is worth many people's permanent suffering.
      That is my opinion on suicide, which constantly changes because it is a delicate subject.

      Now, as was asked, why do you want to end your life?
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      Gooeyswat wrote:

      Honestly, I think the same thing. We were not given the choice to be put on this earth, so we sure as hell should have the right to leave. Right?
      I thought this. I still do sometimes. I hated the people who talked me out of death, and ending all the pain, because I thought, why do I have to suffer for them? What do I have to do to deserve the right to end MY life?

      This all sounds pretty convincing right? I thought so to. And as I read over my own thoughts, I wonder why I'm still alive. Answer: Because the people that love me saved me.
      As Cade said, it really takes time. It took time for me to realize that I needed to accept the help that I got for myself.

      As to your question on why people try and stop them? They are selfish. Plain and simple. They love the person, and they don't want them seeing them blow their life away with the pull of a trigger, or step off a bridge. It is human emotion at work. Your grandfather is sick and you pray for him not to die. People can't help it. They don't want to lose someone they love, or have them killing themselves and then living their life thinking: Could I have done something? Who would they be today if I just called them to make sure they were okay.

      I used to think that "People get over death, I'm not gonna get over wanting to die". People do get over death, but suicide is different than death. It is something not caused by sickness, or a drunk driver. It is caused by a situation that overwhelms a person who needs help. I'm better for now. I don't know if forever, but I do know that if I killed myself, four people would be thinking every night, "I could have stopped her". One person's temporary suffering, is worth many people's permanent suffering.
      That is my opinion on suicide, which constantly changes because it is a delicate subject.

      Now, as was asked, why do you want to end your life?

      I dont see the point of life or the point of doing anything i just wish i was never born. Im drifting away from my friends im beginning to hate them now. whats the point of making new friends if gonna move every year my mom is moving to P.R. and im moving in with my dad in N.Y. so screw friends. i dislike people for no apparent reason:confused: people think im rude because i curse in almost every sentence [relieves stress] I have no future or hope i hate everything it just gets worse by the day. Im not depressed im crazy and bitter. Happy people piss me off what the hell are they smiling at?! i like when bad thing happens to other people :devil: [i know im a bad person] and it would only do the world good if i was dead but before that im going to kill my mom's boyfriend i fight with that fat bastard all the time and hes probably why so damn angry all the time. I swear... ill kill him. :nono: dont tell me to see a therapist im not gonna pay an idiot for something i already know. i just wanna not live.
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      Well, lets look at one thing at a time. Your friends. You say you hate them for no reason. Could this be because you know you're going to move and lose them and you're taking it out on them? Well now that you are moving in with your father, will you not be moving around so much? You could possibly see this as a new start for yourself, and start over with everything.

      Man, I don't seem like it, but I'm crazy and bitter too. And trust me, it is not just when I am PMSing (though that does enhance it lol) And happy people? Some have a reason to be happy, but people that are happy all the time? C'mon, that's impossible! And I just gotta say for the swearing, it is a way my guidance counselor tells us to relieve stress. So do it, but just not around others. Try and do it in private. If you can't help yourself, then so be it.

      But happy people in general piss you off I think because you yourself are not happy, and they have something you don't have. This is why you like when bad thing happen to people I think. Because it makes them as unhappy as yourself. That doesn't make you a bad person, trust me, we all feel like that at one point in our lives.

      On to the guy you want dead. Give me a reason why he should die? What has he done to piss you off?

      And you do want help I think. Why else would you come here? You subconsciously want help at least. This part of the forum is to help you, you know this, you posted here, so you do want help to some degree. So please, don't give up quite yet. There's hope for everyone. I'm still here aren't I? And believe me, the only thing I used to want was the guts to put a bullet in my head. Not wanting to live, it happens to even the best of us. I know, who am I to say you should live? I'm not. I'm just saying don't give up on yourself right now. Try and make yourself happy first. If you try, you might find out that this crappy thing called living isn't so bad all the time.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      ---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

      Gooeyswat wrote:

      So do it, but just not around others. Try and do it in private.

      should i curse at myself then?

      Gooeyswat wrote:

      On to the guy you want dead. Give me a reason why he should die? What has he done to piss you off?

      because hes a Sh!t talking asshole and always tries to get me in trouble i fought him before. he told my mom we and my cousin smoke weed just cause we went to the park with some girls [i tried weed on a different day it effin sucks im sticking with booze]

      and he didnt let my aunt visit cause she gave oreos to her kids and finished the box... it was like 7 left who gives a fuckkkk

      the only reason i posted was cause i had to get it off my chest i cant talk to anyone i know about this they'll think im crazy [which i am]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raylan Givens ().

    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      i honestly really want to kill myself&so does one of my best friends we made a pact that we would stay alive as long as the other one did. think bout it this way...think of the person u care most about in life. now imagine he killed himself was just gone forever. how would u feel. its extremely selfish you are jsut runnin away from your problems and creatin many problems andalot of pain for the peoplee who actually give a shit about you. u may think no one cares i think that alot but someone somewhere does& i could never give them the pain i feel just so i can get away. everyone has a purpose in life& no ones purpose is to kill themselves!! everytime i want to die i think of that pact& how much she swears me killin myself would hurt more than just her she swears people care& i swear to anyone who reads this that if you kill yourself someone in the world would be devasted and you could destroy their life& give them all the pain you feel. now i dont know about all of you guys but i wouldnt wish my pain on anyone no matter how much i hated them
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      same as me . . Ive seperated myself from all my old friends and Fucked up the one true friendship I had left.
      My stepfathers an asshole as well I have been kicked out of home for fighting with him and now im down to my last $100 and nowhere to stay . .
      fly me to the US and we can kill each other.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by nellz ().

    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      nellz wrote:

      same as me . . Ive seperated myself from all my old friends and Fucked up the one true friendship I had left.
      My stepfathers an asshole as well I have been kicked out of home for fighting with him and now im down to my last $100 and nowhere to stay . .
      fly me to the US and we can kill each other.

      Sell the computer?
      [SIZE=3]Dropping the ball is what we do[/SIZE].
      [SIZE=4] ~baller[/SIZE]
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      pyromaniac wrote:

      ---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

      should i curse at myself then?

      because hes a Sh!t talking asshole and always tries to get me in trouble i fought him before. he told my mom we and my cousin smoke weed just cause we went to the park with some girls [i tried weed on a different day it effin sucks im sticking with booze]

      and he didnt let my aunt visit cause she gave oreos to her kids and finished the box... it was like 7 left who gives a fuckkkk

      the only reason i posted was cause i had to get it off my chest i cant talk to anyone i know about this they'll think im crazy [which i am]

      Yes sure, curse at yourself. I do it. I just walk around swearing and it makes me feel better at times. It gets it all out and relieves that tension and anger.

      So what if he tries to get you in trouble? So he's an asshole, so what. I got better reasons to kill people. There are plenty of people like that out in this world. Sure, the world would be better without them, but we can't go around killing people. If we do it causes chaos and blah blah blah.

      So, now that you've gotten it off of your chest, do you feel any better?
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      Defiance wrote:

      It is a person's choice, but I think that it is a choice that shouldn't be considered at a teen age. You've barely lived your life yet, give it some time. Live a little.

      There is nothing sadder than a child who has barely seen the world, yet who has seen enough of it to know that he does not wish to be a part of it... i don't know who's it by but i like it... alot...

      EDIT: in my history class, as we were talking, i managed to start a conversation w/ my teacher about suicide and my partner (guy sittin beside me) says suicide is illegal, i say no but the teacher agreed and said so, but i found no such rule in the legislation (checked government site, didn't find any) but my teacher insisted it is and she knows for a fact... what i am wondering, if there is such a law, who does the gov't think they are, they may claim the land we live on and they may eat away at our pay checks, but who are they to tell us what we would like to do with our lives... and even if it is against the law, wth are they gonna do? lock up your dead body? -_- if anyone could provide some clarification, please do. Thanks.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by theunknownwonder ().

    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      Because suicide laws are vague and tricky. It's a hard thing to do a quick search on because you mainly run into physician assisted suicide laws (human euthanasia in a nut shell), but here's a link I found:

      Is It Illegal To Tell People How To Commit Suicide Online? | Techdirt

      From that article, this is what it is for Minnesota:

      Subdivision 1.Aiding suicide.
      Whoever intentionally advises, encourages, or assists another in taking the other's own life may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 15 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $30,000, or both.

      Subd. 2.Aiding attempted suicide.
      Whoever intentionally advises, encourages, or assists another who attempts but fails to take the other's own life may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than seven years or to payment of a fine of not more than $14,000, or both.

      This is rather vague, and it's hard to tell where the boundaries are. I prefer not to take my chances. I live in WA and as far as I know only physician-assisted suicide is legal.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell

      The post was edited 1 time, last by isitso ().

    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      isitso wrote:

      Because suicide laws are vague and tricky. It's a hard thing to do a quick search on because you mainly run into physician assisted suicide laws (human euthanasia in a nut shell), but here's a link I found:

      Is It Illegal To Tell People How To Commit Suicide Online? | Techdirt

      From that article, this is what it is for Minnesota:

      Subdivision 1.Aiding suicide.
      Whoever intentionally advises, encourages, or assists another in taking the other's own life may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 15 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $30,000, or both.

      Subd. 2.Aiding attempted suicide.
      Whoever intentionally advises, encourages, or assists another who attempts but fails to take the other's own life may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than seven years or to payment of a fine of not more than $14,000, or both.

      This is rather vague, and it's hard to tell where the boundaries are. I prefer not to take my chances. I live in WA and as far as I know only physician-assisted suicide is legal.

      well what i mean is that is it legal? if you decide to kill yourself? no assistance, no consultation. just you and your own decision

      EDIT: funny, as far as i remember, euthanasia is how we started the conversation on suicide. topic was euthanasia was carried out by the Nazi upon jews n' others, so i asked her isn't euthanasia when someone helps you kill yourself? and from there on we continued slowly towards suicide lol

      The post was edited 1 time, last by theunknownwonder ().

    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      That was my reply to the OP, not you.

      Anyways, I believe suicide is not a crime in the US. Attempted suicide, on the other hand, is a crime in some states. The confusion is likely rooted in the fact that suicide is a crime in common law, but it is not in modern USA law.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell

      The post was edited 3 times, last by isitso ().

    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      You know I read somewhere that 98 % of the people who were prevented from suicide(by the police) never tried it again.Only 2% and usually suffering from a fatal medical illness go ahead and do actually kill themselves.
      Think about it most of the time you contemplate suicide after a bad day at work or a break up.I bet you that if you were sitting in a beach drinking a mokhito you wouldn't even think of killing or harming yourself.
      Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
      And while that might seem good if you are fixing your computer it really isn't when it's about your life.
    • Re: [suicide] im confused

      ThEconomist wrote:

      You know I read somewhere that 98 % of the people who were prevented from suicide(by the police) never tried it again.Only 2% and usually suffering from a fatal medical illness go ahead and do actually kill themselves.
      Think about it most of the time you contemplate suicide after a bad day at work or a break up.I bet you that if you were sitting in a beach drinking a mokhito you wouldn't even think of killing or harming yourself.
      Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
      And while that might seem good if you are fixing your computer it really isn't when it's about your life.

      it is a fact that there have been many occasions where one possibly couldn't help it being happy yet have still got only one thing crossing my mind. suicide. thats actually happened to me. around my "Friends", family members, on parties, even when everything around is all upbeat and is bound to set you in happy mood, i've felt that way still.

      and that 98% that you said who didn't try suicide again, tell me, where'd you get it from (a TV show, documentary, website, newspaper, blog etc). i can bet you that the 98% is actually a low population. meaning there aren't much cases where police has stopped a suicide since either they'd be too late since they wouldn't really know where someone might commit a suicide and when there is a situation, its possible that by the time they're there its too late or someone else has probably saved them already since family members would have a better chance of knowing where the person might be. just because theres a high percentage number, doesn't always mean its a strong evidence because a high percent could represent a low number. and there are chances these people were seeking attention and never planned on killing themselves for real since someone would have to tip the police off that they're bout to commit suicide. police doesn't have a tracker on everyone that tells them what they're doing at what time you know? so for them to even find out about someone thats commit a suicide would be a big hint its for attention.