Help me, please.

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    • Help me, please.

      Ok, so ihave a problem.
      I have a boyfriend who is a 1year &3months older than me, and ireally like him, he's amazing, but he's more experienced then me.
      I want to go further with him, but ialso want to be with someone the same age as me so we can go through the process together. Yet ialso don't want a boyfriend, ihave things that are really important that ineed to focus on, and idon't think having a boyfriend right now is really the best choice right now.
      What do i do, stay with him, or split up with him?
    • Re: Help me, please.

      Its really hard for me to tell you what you should do, the only think I can tell you is that you should do whats best for yourself. If you feel like theres other things you need to focus on, then give yourself that time and take a break from your relationship. If you feel like you want to stay with him, then stay with him. To me, it sounds like you're having some issues with the relationship. You can either talk to him about it, or take a break.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Help me, please.

      Burtmeister wrote:

      Ok, so ihave a problem.
      I have a boyfriend who is a 1year &3months older than me, and ireally like him, he's amazing, but he's more experienced then me.
      I want to go further with him, but ialso want to be with someone the same age as me so we can go through the process together. Yet ialso don't want a boyfriend, ihave things that are really important that ineed to focus on, and idon't think having a boyfriend right now is really the best choice right now.
      What do i do, stay with him, or split up with him?

      I understand that you're concerned by his age and experience, that's natural. At the end of the day you need to do what's best for you. I advise you sit down and consider your options, go through a thought process. If you take enough time to seriously think about what you want, your judgment will clear up.

      Most people make the mistake of not taking time to themselves to really think about the situation they're in, they only receive peer pressure and get forced into something they're not sure they want. Although advice is good and can help point you in the right direction, only you can handle this situation. You're the only person who truly knows what's best for you.

      Don't rush into things if you don't want to and surely don't let yourself be pressured into situations.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raylan Givens ().

    • Re: Help me, please.

      Well, only you can decide whether or not to stay with him. You know how this relationship is for you and you know how you feel being in it. If the differences in experience is really a problem, you should take a step back and rethink your situation. However, some guys you're age might still be more experienced than you. Just think about it and ask yourself if it's something you just can't get past, or if you're going to be okay with it. You can always talk to your boyfriend about it and let him that you're a little worried about the fact that he's more experienced than you. Remember, you can go at your own pace. You don't have to rush into anything.

      However, if that's not the only problem here and you feel like a relationship isn't what you want right now, then that may be the bigger problem. Just sort out your priorities and if a relationship doesn't fit into your life right now, then so be it. Don't force it if it's not something you want. Ask yourself what it is you want right now and if this relationship feels right to you. You should be able to make a decision after you think about everything and take some time to refocus.
    • Re: Help me, please.

      I think you need to be more concerned about the relationship in general than experience right now - if you're debating whether or not to have a boyfriend at all, I would suggest thinking about and deciding on that before you think about moving forward sexually.

      If you feel that having a boyfriend is not the best thing for you, then it likely isn't, but as people have stated you really need to sit down and figure out your priorities. Even if you do decide to stay with him, that doesn't mean you should forget other priorities. Does your boyfriend know you have other things going on? Would he mind if you focused on those things more than him for a while?

      As a side note, his experience will not make anything more of less special for you than if you did it with someone who had the same experience as you - it completely depends on whether you want to be doing it with that person, not on the amount of experience. As a matter of fact, his experience may allow him to make things easier and more pleasurable for you. And he'll probably just be happy to be doing it, so your lack of experience would likely not be a setback. But it's completely up to you and what (or who) you feel comfortable with.
    • Re: Help me, please.

      I'M not goin to tell u wat to do bcus I personally xperienced something like this well I was 15 wen I lost my virginity with my now hubby he was basically my first for everything I was
      goin to skoo at the time but wen we were about 4months after doin the do I found out I was preggo I left skoo to take care of my fam n stuff I dnt regret it but it was a big step so all I can say is do wat u think will b good for you and wat u want bcus at the end us as woman are the ones tht loose more
    • Re: Help me, please.

      Well, I can't really tell you what to do in this situation. You have to follow your heart and see what YOU really want to do for yourself, not anyone else. You said it yourself that you want someone your age, so instead of moving forward with this guy you should wait and take it slow. Maybe you two should be friends for now. It really all depends on how you feel about him and the situation itself, and what you want in life for you now and in the future. Don't something you might regret, because trust me: it's hard. Just trust your heart & judgment.