need some good advice please!

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    • need some good advice please!

      well for the last 2 days my girlfriend hasn't been very talkative and stuff she is doing a lot of dancing at the moment but she usually gets 1-2hour breaks and stuff and she still isn't very talkative i asked her this morning why she hasn't been been very talkative and she said i don't really want to talk to you now. or anyone else ok.
      i asked if i had done something wrong and she said no but i don't know whats wrong she says she is fine and stuff and the other day she said she felt like she has ruined things between us but i told her she hadn't and stuff and she was find after that. but now she is being like this:( please can some one help

      she is also on her period at this time and she has cut her self before. so i dont know whats going on and im very stressed out at the moment
    • Re: need some good advice please!

      Seems like you are worried about her. Maybe she has some big dance competition that she is training really hard for and doesn't want to talk to anybody so she doesn't lose her concentration. Maybe you should talk to one of her friends to see if she is talking to them.

      Now that I think about it she might be having trouble with something that she doesn't want to talk about with someone outside of her family. I would say to give her a few days to concentrate on what she needs to and then text her saying if its alright if we can talk now.
      And if she is still the same way after a few days you should come back and tell us what is going on that you have found out yet.

    • Re: need some good advice please!

      I hate when people blame periods! But yes, that could be affecting her mood. When I have mine, all I want to do is be left alone sometimes, I feel like I've done stupid things when I haven't, and just overall emotionally messed up.

      Another thing is she cuts? If she is depressed it can have something to do with that as well. That plus period can be a bit iffy on her part. Her emotions will be even more mixed up. She might be having a problem that she doesn't want to talk about and she's trying to work out on her own.

      Right now, I say give her some space. It's only been a few days you say? Give her some time, let her know you are thinking about her, and that you are open to talk when she wants, and that if something is wrong she can go to you.
      I agree with Lester, and say that if after a few days, then you may want to come back. If you don't, in a few days if this continues, keep asking her. Say you want to talk with her and that you're worried.

      I hope this helped
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: need some good advice please!

      ill try that thanks for your help:) and its a dance performance and it was yesterday and today im seeing her tonight:) we haven't seen each other in a few days due to her not being at school because of the performance, any other advice would also be great and this shouldn't effect the relationship right?
    • Re: need some good advice please!

      I don't see why this would affect the relationship unless it continues or gets worse. If you guys are find and she doesn't feel like she ruined things I don't think so in my opinion.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: need some good advice please!

      2 days is too short period to judge anything. If this goes on for a longer time then she is probably not feeling attracted towards you. And if she tells you on your face that "I dont want to talk to you" then let it be, leave her alone. It is not good to bug her at that time, give her the space she is demanding from you.

      And never say "Have I dont anything wrong?" Even if you have done nothing wrong, she'll start feeling inside that its all your fault. And dont believe her when she said "everything is fine". You know that nothing is fine which is why she is acting like this.

      There could be something she is not sure if she can tell you and she needs time to think on it, so give her the space. And be a man please, dont get all sad and needy. How can she say she doesnt want to talk to you and you'll be all sad and waiting for her. Wheres your self respect, you should have said FINE! and cut the phone rather asking if you've done anything wrong. Anyway such things happen in love, we often get swayed by feelings and emotion and act needy, but thats a turn off for girls.

      Update us on your meeting.
    • Re: need some good advice please!

      Moon! wrote:

      2 days is too short period to judge anything. If this goes on for a longer time then she is probably not feeling attracted towards you. And if she tells you on your face that "I dont want to talk to you" then let it be, leave her alone. It is not good to bug her at that time, give her the space she is demanding from you.

      And never say "Have I dont anything wrong?" Even if you have done nothing wrong, she'll start feeling inside that its all your fault. And dont believe her when she said "everything is fine". You know that nothing is fine which is why she is acting like this.

      There could be something she is not sure if she can tell you and she needs time to think on it, so give her the space. And be a man please, dont get all sad and needy. How can she say she doesnt want to talk to you and you'll be all sad and waiting for her. Wheres your self respect, you should have said FINE! and cut the phone rather asking if you've done anything wrong. Anyway such things happen in love, we often get swayed by feelings and emotion and act needy, but thats a turn off for girls.

      Update us on your meeting.

      *cough *cough you were a little late
