ma annoying bro

    • Re: ma annoying bro

      Yes annoying siblings is hard to deal with. I have a little sister that gets on my nerves a lot also. But what you don't want to do is fight fire with fire because it will just make him keep on trying to annoy you. Well he might not be trying to annoy you but just want attention making him seem annoying.

      Just try to ignore him. If you ignore him he will stop trying to annoy you. Don't try to threaten him also because that will make him think that his mom or dad will stop you, and he will keep on saying stuff to you till you actually do something. Chances are you will get in trouble with your parents if you hurt or something after that.

      Best option is to just ignore it or talk to your brother on why he is annoying you.

    • Re: ma annoying bro

      prabsehmi16 wrote:

      hey...all...well i landed up in this site cz i thought i culd get help frm all u kwll ppl out thea on how to deall wid my meg annoying broo. hope u cn help? cn u give me any tips?????..... tc..:wink:

      I know what's it's like to have an annoying Sibbling. I have a few. :D
      Anyways, how i deal with the youngest one is to when she's become really annoying, I tend to ignore her it helps me to not loose my temper and get into trouble with the parentals. Count to 10. What it is, their not getting the attention they crave so they start to be annoying and pester anyone in their way of them getting the attention they crave. But, as I said before don't loose your temper just walk away, count to 10 once they realize how annoying their being eventually it'll stop.

      (I didn't read ahead, Sorry)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by hearttbeats ().