I need advice about this girl...

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    • I need advice about this girl...

      alright so first off this is my first forum so bear with me if I do something wrong

      so theres this girl that I've been friends with for about 5 years,
      not great friends but never any fights or anything, and mostly just talking in school. we are both in highschool by the way. recently in the past few weeks we have been hanging out quite a bit. we went rollerskating which was really fun and she ended up taking a nap on my shoulder. and then we went to the movies a few times, and just cuddled, head on shoulder type stuff. and it wasn't awkward at all and made us both really happy. later she told me that she loved being in my arms during the movie, that was via text message. and after these few times hanging out I think I am starting to fall for her and I am not sure where to go from here... so were both in the same sort of classes in school, but I'm a snowboarder who likes to go mountain biking, camping and that sort of thing. she rollerskates competitively for basically her whole life and is really into music and school band, she plays a bunch of instruments. I'm not sure if these differences are good or bad. I would appreciate your opinions on where to go from here.
      thanks in advance!
    • Re: I need advice about this girl...

      Your differences don't mean anything. You're both active in stuff, and that's good. You could perhaps learn about each others activities. You'll certainly have stuff to do together.

      It seems she likes you. If she said that, than I'm almost sure of it. Where to go from here? Ask her out. Go ahead. Seems like you want to, and so does she.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: I need advice about this girl...

      zkiaquin wrote:

      alright so first off this is my first forum so bear with me if I do something wrong

      so theres this girl that I've been friends with for about 5 years,
      not great friends but never any fights or anything, and mostly just talking in school. we are both in highschool by the way. recently in the past few weeks we have been hanging out quite a bit. we went rollerskating which was really fun and she ended up taking a nap on my shoulder. and then we went to the movies a few times, and just cuddled, head on shoulder type stuff. and it wasn't awkward at all and made us both really happy. later she told me that she loved being in my arms during the movie, that was via text message. and after these few times hanging out I think I am starting to fall for her and I am not sure where to go from here... so were both in the same sort of classes in school, but I'm a snowboarder who likes to go mountain biking, camping and that sort of thing. she rollerskates competitively for basically her whole life and is really into music and school band, she plays a bunch of instruments. I'm not sure if these differences are good or bad. I would appreciate your opinions on where to go from here.
      thanks in advance!

      Well, it definitely sounds like she likes you. So, these are questions I think you should ask yourself - Do you like being with her? Does being with her feel right to you? Do you want to take this a step further and make it something more than friends? Judging by your answers, you'll be able to figure out whether or not you really like her. In my opinion, it seems likes you do, and this is more than just the feeling of you being 'back in the game' so to speak.

      If you like her, I suggest you go for it and ask her out. Your differences aren't necessarily good or bad, they're just the things that you're interested in. It's good to have both similarities and differences. You can learn about the things you're each interested in and even have some new experiences together. Don't let the differences hold you back. The differences can only be bad if you let them interfere with the relationship.

      Just my opinion. Hope this helped.
    • Re: I need advice about this girl...

      ok thanks for the advice. I'll think it over in bed before I go to sleep, that's where I can think the best haha. I'm just confused with this now because when I'm with her I feel like she definately has the same feelings for me, hut when we talk on the phone or computer It doesn't seem it at all...we shall see. I think I still need to spend more time with her before I decide. possibly even talk about this whole thing with her. is that a good idea?