my parent hits me sometimes

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    • my parent hits me sometimes

      I'm an Asian. In our culture, hitting a child isn't exactly enough to be reported as child abuse. My "parent", when he/she gets annoyed and we end up having a small spat over the trivial things would always hit me once or twice on the head. I've grown so accustomed to it that it becomes automatic for me guard myself using my left hand in order to avoid him/her from hitting my face/head. My "parent" becomes to controlling sometimes that speaking against him/her is considered an act of rebellion and warrants an extra hit for punishment. Truthfully, that parent just hit me a while back for talking back. I understand that as a teenager our views contradict each other, but is it really necessary to scold and hit a person for something so trivial? I'm feel like that person has become a dictator in my life rather than loving guiding figure. Please help.:nono:
    • Re: my parent hits me sometimes

      saemi wrote:

      I'm an Asian. In our culture, hitting a child isn't exactly enough to be reported as child abuse. My "parent", when he/she gets annoyed and we end up having a small spat over the trivial things would always hit me once or twice on the head. I've grown so accustomed to it that it becomes automatic for me guard myself using my left hand in order to avoid him/her from hitting my face/head. My "parent" becomes to controlling sometimes that speaking against him/her is considered an act of rebellion and warrants an extra hit for punishment. Truthfully, that parent just hit me a while back for talking back. I understand that as a teenager our views contradict each other, but is it really necessary to scold and hit a person for something so trivial? I'm feel like that person has become a dictator in my life rather than loving guiding figure. Please help.:nono:

      First, don't let the fact you're Asian justify that. I'm Korean and my Korean side of the family would never touch me. Have you tried asking the parent not to strike you and explain the fact it causes you pain?
    • Re: my parent hits me sometimes

      oh ho, been there done that.
      Apparently logic is not impelemented in strict asian culture, so while it is hard to accept, as an Asian, i would just follow. I've had too many arguments with my parents explaining why asian culture can be wrong, but that's not how your parents see it. They grew up like this, this is how they understand everything. Simply, what they know to be beneficial is what they are attempting to show you. I think for something really trivial like in your case, it's to maintain a sense of respect for elders. I think it is hard to see issues the way your parents do, but they are there to help you after all. Try appreciating it.
    • Re: my parent hits me sometimes

      But if you make the problem way bigger, it's more public - hence then you have to deal with the problem, not let it continue..

      and btw, i was abused as a young child - i know that involving others in the best thing to do.. my dad hit my grandmother at my sports day down the sidegate, and we got EVERYONE involved that we could so he had no escape or excuse.
    • Re: my parent hits me sometimes

      nthdelusion wrote:

      oh ho, been there done that.
      Apparently logic is not impelemented in strict asian culture, so while it is hard to accept, as an Asian, i would just follow. I've had too many arguments with my parents explaining why asian culture can be wrong, but that's not how your parents see it. They grew up like this, this is how they understand everything. Simply, what they know to be beneficial is what they are attempting to show you. I think for something really trivial like in your case, it's to maintain a sense of respect for elders. I think it is hard to see issues the way your parents do, but they are there to help you after all. Try appreciating it.

      People need to stop throwing child abuse into Asian culture, because its not.
    • Re: my parent hits me sometimes

      Hi Saemi ,
      My advice is to use Sentimental side . I’d like always to say that this is the most effective weapon that sons and daughters have toward their parents . try to go in your parent’s heart and make him\her feel this part of life . Show them that you love them quite , I know you love them and they love you , but make them feel this .
      You will gain their trust and you will be able to discuss whatever you like freely and more effectively .

      I believe that this works .[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
      [SIZE=2]Mercury is the closest planet to Sun but it is not the hottest , because Venus is . In the contrary Mercury has one of the coldest areas in the solar system.
      Don't judge the new ideas as the worst , you maybe wrong .[/SIZE]
    • Re: my parent hits me sometimes

      Sammie, hi :)

      Obviously for privacy reasons you don't state which country you're in. But you must contact your town services and report your parent. No child should be treated so badly by their parent, even though obviously you're not a "child".

      You could contact Childline. State which country you're in, what's happened, how frightened you are, because they might be able to give you a contact URL nearer to home.


      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Re: my parent hits me sometimes

      Wow, you guys are overreacting. The services aren't going to come and get him for smacks upside the head, that kind of violence isn't bad enough. For the person who said to tell the patents that it hurts, thats the point of them hitting you. It's not supposed to feel like rainbows and unicorns. You all must realize is that he is simply being chastised for his behavior. Growing up I used to get whoopings with a belt and not once did i complain, because whatever I got whooped for, i didn't do it again, and that's the purpose of hitting children. If you don't instill fear, then they have no incentive as to why they shouldn't misbehave again.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by BackwardsAlphabet ().