United States not taking North Korea serious

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    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      Sash wrote:

      The Chinese policy towards North Korea is exactly like the US policy on Israel. While there will be lot of talks about a reprimand, rest assured none is coming. Kim Jong is as cunning and manipulative as Netanyahu, he knows how to exploit his alliance with China very well.

      I don't disagree with that, but as I said in my edited statement, compared to US-Israel they are on poor terms. For example, days after the Cheonan sank, North Korean guards murdered three Chinese citizens and injured another, and shortly thereafter a North Korean government official was arrested for helping smuggle drugs into China.

      Sash wrote:

      DPRK knows that, which is why it wouldn't provoke a war. Kim Jong's 'threats' are just brinkmanship, the trouble is, brinkmanship without adequate leverage doesn't usually give results.

      I agree with you there, as well. I just threw that in there for people who assume China would attack us if we were to retaliate, which looks to be the case after reading some of these replies.
    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      Yeah seriously dude, Korea won't do shit. If they do, there'll be a world war 3. And everyone knows, the US Alliance ALWAYS prevails. So why would they risk their lively hood? Most likely they'd be blame for the war so they'd have to take responsibility, pay for damages done to other countries, and will be shunned from the world (if their country isn't already wiped away). Don't believe me? Ask Germany. They had it bad after World War one. And their STILL in dept lol.
    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      Zen wrote:

      I don't disagree with that, but as I said in my edited statement, compared to US-Israel they are on poor terms.

      They are on the same terms. If you look back at history, you'd notice that Israeli officials have engaged in their fair share of belligerence against US. China wants North Korea to exist, to keep South Korea and Japan to exist. It wouldn't let tussles get into the way, any more the Israeli attacks against NATO assets get in the way of US-Israeli alliance.

      xNerRadx wrote:

      And everyone knows, the US Alliance ALWAYS prevails.

      It usually doesn't. US keeps standing on the sidelines as long as it can, and takes care to pick the winning side, whichever it is. The best example would be World War 2.

      By the way, the world is much larger than four countries, which perhaps goes beyond your sense of scale. Germany was never 'shunned by the world'. Even after the Treaties of World War 1, Germany had a thriving influence, with many of the WW1 allies following a policy of appeasement rather than confrontation. The US actually rooted for Germany and showed its committed by funding millions of dollars in German elections to push the Nazi party to power.

      And by the way, you can't just 'wipe away' North Korea even if it came to a nuclear confrontation. Its a country, not a dinner table. At worst, a North Korean nuclear attack would be responded by a limited scale conventional or nuclear attack. A full scale retaliation is off the cards, since such a move would create fallout problems for both China and Russia which are in proximity to the region.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Sash ().

    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      Sash wrote:

      They are on the same terms. If you look back at history, you'd notice that Israeli officials have engaged in their fair share of belligerence against US. China wants North Korea to exist, to keep South Korea and Japan to exist. It wouldn't let tussles get into the way, any more the Israeli attacks against NATO assets get in the way of US-Israeli alliance.

      I find it very difficult, and this may be my bias as a Korean, to view China and North Korea on the exact same terms as Israel and the United States. Israel is a powerful ally in the Middle East for the United States but China knows well that they aren't under any threat of a South Korean or Japanese invasion. North Korea is a long term investment that has become more of a nightmare as time has gone on.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Zen ().

    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      Zen wrote:

      Israel is a powerful ally in the Middle East for the United States but China knows well that they aren't under any threat of a South Korean or Japanese invasion.

      Correction: China is not under the threat of an immediate Japanese invasion or an attack.

      The Chinese are no Americans, they have a cultural maturity to understand that making short term strategic moves at the cost of long term is usually fatal. Hence, the PRC likes to keep North Korea to act as a buffer zone between itself and the Japanese mainland.
    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      Sash wrote:

      Correction: China is not under the threat of an immediate Japanese invasion or an attack.

      The Chinese are no Americans, they have a cultural maturity to understand that making short term strategic moves at the cost of long term is usually fatal. Hence, the PRC likes to keep North Korea to act as a buffer zone between itself and the Japanese mainland.

      Point well made, my friend.
    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      I'm amazed at some of the political hogwash that comes out of teens mouths, but then I shouldn't be.

      Concerning North Korea, I feel that it has a clock and if Kim Jong-Ils succesor doesn't fix things in the time period allotted China will dump it. There has been major policy shifting in the region over the past decade and China is not willing to tolerate North Korea doing what ever it wants anymore. In fact, China is edging closer and closer to allowing the hermit kingdom to collapse.

      Why? Simple. South Korea is becoming more and more pro-China and anti-Japan. A South Korea that is in favor of China would assure that a unified Korea would be in favor of China. Why should China settle with only half of Korea when it can have the whole of Korea as an ally, and an economically and militarily powerful one.

      The United States can't take care of North Korea because of China, but we aren't focusing our diplomacy in the right area. North Korea itself is not important. If we want North Korea to capitulate we need to convince China that it is better off without North Korea, and it is an idea it is slowly waking up to.

      The question for the West is, of course, whether we are better off with North Korea.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
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    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      DeaExMachina wrote:

      I'm amazed at some of the political hogwash that comes out of teens mouths, but then I shouldn't be.

      You shouldn't be. The amount of hogwash that comes out of the teens here is nothing compared to the ones that come out of many American adults' mouths. There ignorance and lack of rationality is disconcerting at times.
    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      BadaBing wrote:

      America's the bigger threat.

      You just say that because your not American.. America is always figihting for peoples freedoms or providing support for countries in need. We are the leading role in Afghanistan and Iraq, Theres barley anyone else helping us anymore. Everyone thinks that terrorism is just a problem with the U.S, The london bombings in the subways and on the buses? I think that its a world wide issue and everyone should be pitching in to secure those 2 countries.

      As for North Korea, they woulden't dare nuke the U.S or anyone else.. They have always been like that with there threats, but they are developing and the U.S is keeping a eye on them..
    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      nathan555 wrote:

      You just say that because your not American.. America is always figihting for peoples freedoms or providing support for countries in need. We are the leading role in Afghanistan and Iraq, Theres barley anyone else helping us anymore. Everyone thinks that terrorism is just a problem with the U.S, The london bombings in the subways and on the buses? I think that its a world wide issue and everyone should be pitching in to secure those 2 countries.

      As for North Korea, they woulden't dare nuke the U.S or anyone else.. They have always been like that with there threats, but they are developing and the U.S is keeping a eye on them..

      The reason why countries are supporting the war on terrorism is because its more dangerous than it ever has been since Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded. Also there would be no reason for declaring on war on terrorism for many countries as it simply has not affected them like it has the US and UK. You can't just declare war for no reason.

      The US is certainly not fighting for people's freedoms and democracies otherwise they would have intervened in more countries in Africa since Zimbabwe, Sudan, Nigeria are in a much worse state than Iraq and Afghanistan has ever been in. It's about security not fighting for freedom thats all it ever has been. The whole opinion of fighting for freedom and democracy is simply patriotic bullshit that the government and media try and stir up in support for the wars.
    • Re: United States not taking North Korea serious

      Lets keep the discussion of the US, its "freedom," and the current wars to another thread.

      Kaitlin wrote:

      cause if usa did anything stupid against north korea it could be considered an act of war, and we'd probably get into a nuclear war and the world as we know it would be blown up

      Nuclear winter would require more nukes then what the US and NK would toss at each other. Like, you only need one nuke for NK since it only has one real city...and NK only has a handful of ICBMs capable of reaching the West Coast and nothing further.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
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