Dating a Soldier?

    • Dating a Soldier?

      I am very proud to say that my boyfriend is in the United States national guard. I'm proud of what he's doing. He's 18, I'm 15. He just went into training at the beginning of the summer, and he'll be gong to Afghanistan after he finishes his senior year during 2010-2011. I was just wondering if anyone had tips on how to stay close to someone ever during a long distance relationship. And helpful tips?

      Peace, Love,
      [SIZE=3]Sunt cu adevărat binecuvântat de Dumnezeu.[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]Fie ca toate visele tale sa devina realitate.[/SIZE]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by *Boleyn*: I mean that he's 18, not 1. ().

    • Re: Dating a Soldier?

      Communicate as much as you can. Letters, email, IM, phone and video chatting are all ways you can keep in touch with each other. If his access to communication is limited, just try to make the most of times when you can communicate. Keep each other updated on what's going on for each of you, that way you both won't have to be out of the loop. You can make it work, it just requires effort and you'll have to adjust. Figure out what the best means of communication will be. You still have time together, so you'll have the time to talk about how things will go for the both of you.

      I hope this helped.
    • Re: Dating a Soldier?

      I have a lot of friends who's partners are in the military. Even though it's hard for them to be separated for a periods of time they find ways to keep the love going and that's what you need to do. As Jasmine said, communication is the key. A girl I use to work with her husband's in the military, and they communicate through phones or even sometimes video chats weekly if not daily. It depends on his schedule. You'll have to find some way to work out the communications but you'll be ok. You should look into a support group with other women who have partner's into the military. That helped my friend a lot as well.

      I hope this helps.
    • Re: Dating a Soldier?

      *Boleyn* wrote:

      I am very proud to say that my boyfriend is in the United States national guard. I'm proud of what he's doing. He's 1, I'm 15. He just went into training at the beginning of the summer, and he'll be gong to Afghanistan after he finishes his senior year during 2010-2011. I was just wondering if anyone had tips on how to stay close to someone ever during a long distance relationship. And helpful tips?

      Peace, Love,

      LOL, i don't think they allow people that young to be in the military
    • Re: Dating a Soldier?

      I recently went through the same experience as you, my boyfriend was in the Army. As Jasmine said, communication is key. Letter writing will be your only form of communication for QUITE some time, if you get lucky you MIGHT get a phone call once a month, but it really depends on his DS. Put cute things in the letters, I did that a lot. I'm not sure how NG works, but in the Army they could only receive things that fit into a letter. If thats the case for you, try to make him a calendar with a countdown until you guys get to see each other again and send it to him. It'll be nice for him to know that it gets closer everyday. Spray the letters with your perfume, they go wild for that. Send him pictures of you too, it'll be a nice reminder for him to see your face, what he's coming home to, and he'll show you off to his guy friends. Get used to writing letters, if you can, try to send one everyday, or every other day. They usually don't get mail on the weekend, so if you send one everyday, it'll give him something to read and keep in contact with you. Things will be hard, I'm not going to lie, but they do become more simple.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Dating a Soldier?

      Linda wrote:

      I recently went through the same experience as you, my boyfriend was in the Army. As Jasmine said, communication is key. Letter writing will be your only form of communication for QUITE some time, if you get lucky you MIGHT get a phone call once a month, but it really depends on his DS. Put cute things in the letters, I did that a lot. I'm not sure how NG works, but in the Army they could only receive things that fit into a letter. If thats the case for you, try to make him a calendar with a countdown until you guys get to see each other again and send it to him. It'll be nice for him to know that it gets closer everyday. Spray the letters with your perfume, they go wild for that. Send him pictures of you too, it'll be a nice reminder for him to see your face, what he's coming home to, and he'll show you off to his guy friends. Get used to writing letters, if you can, try to send one everyday, or every other day. They usually don't get mail on the weekend, so if you send one everyday, it'll give him something to read and keep in contact with you. Things will be hard, I'm not going to lie, but they do become more simple.

      Lol, haven't you heard that if you wait for something to come everyday, the time will be a lot longer?
    • Re: Dating a Soldier?

      Officer Hernandez wrote:

      Lol, haven't you heard that if you wait for something to come everyday, the time will be a lot longer?

      Considering their day is jam packed and they have maybe 30 minutes of down time total through the entire day, it doesn't really apply to soldiers. Marking a day off the calendar day by day is something they look forward to.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling