Smoking made me feel goooood

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    • Smoking made me feel goooood

      Okay so first off, I am fully aware of the health risks that come with smoking and I hardly EVER smoke. I do it sometimes when I'm drinking but it's very rare. Just before I was feeling very stressed and thought I would have one to see if the old 'smoking relieves stress' myth was true, and it felt great. I'm just wondering why this is so? Is it because I hardly ever smoke or what? Should I be concerned?

      Also apologies if this is in the wrong category.

      MMMpie :)
    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      It is the nicotine in the cigarettes that causes that effect, actually. It causes an increased release of dopamine like cocaine or other amphetamines do.. just not as drastically.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      Saradactyl wrote:

      It is the nicotine in the cigarettes that causes that effect, actually. It causes an increased release of dopamine like cocaine or other amphetamines do.. just not as drastically.


      I don't agree with people telling you not to smoke or anything. You should what you want with your body. Obviously smoking has bad health risks but personally that doesn't really bother me right now.
      I think it can be addictive but it's all down to your willpower. I can easily stop if I want to, it's not that difficult at all.

    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      dusk wrote:

      Smoking wont feel good after a while dont worry haha, the first couple of times its like BAM sex through your while body, after a while though youll need it just to feel ok which isnt as as fun

      Yes and instead of being a stress reliever it will become a cause of stress because your body will crave the nicotine.. it will become a part of your life and you will fit it into your schedule. I know, because I have been smoking cigarettes for 7 years now. Quit while you are ahead, it is one of the worst things you could do to yourself.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      MMMpie wrote:

      Just before I was feeling very stressed and thought I would have one to see if the old 'smoking relieves stress' myth was true, and it felt great. I'm just wondering why this is so?

      No reason to be concerned. Nicotine is fairly complicated and cannot be summed up by simple stimulation or inhibition. Overall the effect of nicotine can be attributed to activation of nAChRs (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors).

      nAChRs -> neuronal excitation and desensitation -> synaptic block

      lol@cocaine releasing dopamine
    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      raelene wrote:

      It doesn't make you feel good, it's just the satisfaction of the craving/addiction that feels good.

      actually its exactly the opposite, it makes you feel good, but the line of the high gets lower and lower till, like i said earlier, you need cigarettes to feel normal, so the more you smoke the worse it feels.
      Also you cant be addicted if you've never smoked before, and the first time is the best so... yeah, its not just the craving

    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      Sorry for the late reply, my internet has been screwed. Thanks to the people who cleared that up for me, and to the people saying "quit" etc, I'm not addicted. I don't smoke on a regular basis, like I said. I smoke rarely and I'm certainly not addicted. And to the guy who said "you'll get cancer", there's a chance I'll get it yes, but I doubt a few cigarettes every few weeks is going to give me cancer.
    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      I didnt read the other posts,but what i have to say is that smoking is not the way out of stress or problems or anything...
      It just causes more problems.Do sports,go fishing,or do anything else but not smoking dude!
      Its a big mistake.
      And if you thing that you will smoke a cigarrette or 2 now and then that cant happen.You will get addicted to it soon.Dont think that by smoking you become more cool(?) or that your friends/women will appreciate and like you better.
      Well sorry for my english, hope i helped.
      Good luck and quit smoking!
    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      Makis4 wrote:

      Dont think that by smoking you become more cool(?) or that your friends/women will appreciate and like you better.
      Well sorry for my english, hope i helped.
      Good luck and quit smoking!

      I don't think it makes me "more cool". Personally I couldn't give a shit about being "more cool", I'm a confident guy. Where did you get that one from? :lolz:
    • Re: Smoking made me feel goooood

      MMMpie wrote:

      I don't think it makes me "more cool". Personally I couldn't give a shit about being "more cool", I'm a confident guy. Where did you get that one from? :lolz:

      Cause people that start smoking as teenagers, usually do this cause they want to be cooler and they sometimes think thats its cool to smoke.Thats all.
      Anyway...i hope you wont smoke again, my father was smoking for like 30 years and 1,5year ago he had serious health problems so he quited!
      Ancient Greeks said: "Καλύτερα το προλαμβάνειν παρά το θεραπεύειν",
      which means(in my own words):"Better to be careful in the beginning than having to find a cure for your problems"(or sth like that)
      Well thats philosophy!I'll try not to smoke in my life, i hope you do the same!
      Good Luck!:wink:

      ---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

      Oh and sorry for my poor english!:oops: