Hes fallen for me.

    • Hes fallen for me.

      I dropped out of college back in feb, and fell into a depression. I felt pretty shit about myself, didn't want to leave the house because i felt like i didn't know anyone let alone myself - so who was going to know me? I then recently got back into contact with an old best friend from high school - met up, and frankly everything was getting back on track, and i felt soooo much better about myself.

      so a few weeks back i went on holiday with my best friend and like four other people i didn't know. I thought it was going to be the end of the world because i was so nervous - but really, it wasn't. I had a fantastic time, and obviously my friendships bloomed. Now i made good friends with one of them, went round to stop at her house, and obviously she decided to introduce me to her friends.

      I had no problem with it, the more people i met the better i felt about myself. So there was this one boy in particular that seemed to get along with me really well. Well we got chatting, and before i knew it he was asking for me to stop round. I didn't think about it, i simply said yes and off i was to his house. We met again, and i thought we were getting along just fine. I stopped over, nothing happened between us, and it was settled that i was getting along with him great.

      Then the facebook messages happened. It started off with a hi how are you, then he started to get a little more...... wierd. He was asking questions like would i ever get married, do i want kids, what if someone proposed to me. I thought i was just being silly and paranoid but my best friend didn't agree. I let it drop, stopped round his house once more, and of course sex happened. I didn't mind, i simply thought it was a bit of fun nothing more. Then he asked me what me and him were. I knew what he was going on about and i replied with friends with bennefits. He replied with im glad you said that.

      Since? He's been asking me out, claiming he wants me more than just a friend. I don't want too, but i wouldn't mind blocking all contact i have with him - it's simply what would my friend think about me not talking to her friend. Its so confusing right now, and im scared that its got me feeling down about myself all over again. Does anyone have any advice?
    • Re: Hes fallen for me.

      Well, if you don't want to be more than friends, then don't force yourself to. Talk to him about it and let him know that you're not ready to commit to anything, you're only wanting something casual. If that's not what he wants, then just break it off. You don't have to completely shut him out of your life. However, if that's what you want to do, that's your prerogative. Just remember to be honest with him and let him know what you want. If you're both not on the same page, it's not going to work.

      As for your friend, just explain the situation to her. She should understand. There isn't a rule that says you have to be friends with her friends. Tell her that things just didn't work out and you stopped it before things got out of hand. All you can do is be honest. They are your friends, so they should be understanding. Just relax and don't worry yourself over this.

      I hope this helped. Good luck.
    • Re: Hes fallen for me.

      Alreet dude?
      Okay, plain and simply, if you haven't already, tell this guy to back off. Tell him "it's friends with benefits or nothing at all". That's all you can do - it's harsh, but he'll get over it. So far it's just been sex right? Nothing traumatic so he'll get over it soon enough. And if he keeps taking it too far, then don't worry about cutting him off, your friend will totally understand if you explain it properly. Just go ahead and do what you feel is right aye?
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    • Re: Hes fallen for me.

      Wow! You've managed to put yourself in the sticky mess. You know that you can't just pretend that things between you and him don't exist, nor can you pretend that you have something more than just a sexual relationship.

      You have to know what you want, and you have to be confident about it. If you think that there's nothing going on between you two but simply sex, explain that to him gently. Nevertheless, ignoring the topic or lying to yourself only makes things more complicated. You have to be blunt about this.