My Best Friend's Girlfriend...

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    • Re: My Best Friend's Girlfriend...

      Friends are much more important than girlfriends.. girls (and boys) come and go.. but friends are forever.. don't jeopardise your friendship for some girl who will probably buggar off when something better comes along anyway (she sounds like that type of girl)
      So I would say you obviously do not trust your GF, so find out whether she actually is cheating, if not, learn to trust her, and if you can't do that you may aswlel end it!
      As for the other girl, stay well away!
    • Re: My Best Friend's Girlfriend...

      Feste wrote:

      Okay, my best friend's girlfriend is in love with me and is just with my best friend because she can't have me but still wants to be close to me. My girlfriend on the other hand might be cheating on me with some asshole at her work.

      Respectfully, WHAT THE FUCK do I do?

      - Feste.

      I have no interest in my friend's girlfriend but the issue is whether I tell him about this or not. As for my girlfriend, if she cheats its over but if not, we can work things out.

      - Feste.