there is no father daughter relationship between us at all.

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    • there is no father daughter relationship between us at all.

      my father & i have no relationship at all, & its nothing close to what a father-daughter relationship should be. this really depresses me to the point where i cry just about everyday, & im rarely happy. i have two brothers & two sisters (im the oldest) & he spends so much time with them & they are extremely close, but whenever we are together, it always feels like we are strangers. he doesnt act like a father towards me at all & it really upsets me. im going away for college soon on wednesday & thought that this would convince him that maybe he should spend more time with me now that im leaving, but he puts forth zero effort. i almost feel like im not important to him & i dont matter at all.

      i feel that the only way for me to release this depression & the trouble that it gives me, is to talk to him about it. but the problem is that i've never discussed to him about my feelings toward our relationship before b/c it is just too difficult. & by us not having a conversation concerning our relationship, idk how to approach him about it. im afraid that if i do confront him about it, i will just explode b/c i've held this in for years now. i know this is a lot but i really really need someone's advice at the moment, it would mean the world to me.:( ----> thank you <----
    • Re: there is no father daughter relationship between us at all.

      I think you should talk to him. It may be good for you to at least get it out there, before you leave for college. That way, you can leave knowing you've at least said something to him about it and you got it off your chest. It's not going to be easy to just sit down and talk to him about it, but waiting longer isn't going to make it any easier. The sooner you do it, the better you may feel. You've been holding it in and I think you should give yourself the chance to let it out.

      I suggest you talk to him when he's not busy and you have his undivided attention. If you can't talk to him, write it out in a letter and give it to him. However, I do think you should talk to him, even if you think your emotions may just explode all over the place. If that happens, just try to calm yourself so you can speak to him calmly and get your feelings across. It's okay if you show your emotions, it may even show him how you're really being affected. You have to start somewhere.
    • Re: there is no father daughter relationship between us at all.

      I find myself in the same position as both of you ladies. It really sucks sometimes....the only thing I have that keeps me going is drive and ambition. I refuse to let growing up without my father in my life hold me back.

      Just be strong. Recognizing that you are a strong person and can overcome anything is already half the battle.
    • Re: there is no father daughter relationship between us at all.

      I'm in the same position with my father. I'm surprised you care so much to be honest. Growing up, my father ignoring me made me hate him to the highest level and today I don't even contact him. If he's not willing to cooperate, why are you? He shouldn't be worth your time and effort. Focus on school. :)
    • Re: there is no father daughter relationship between us at all.

      I'm in the same position with my father. I'm surprised you care so much to be honest. Growing up, my father ignoring me made me hate him to the highest level and today I don't even contact him. If he's not willing to cooperate, why are you? He shouldn't be worth your time and effort. Focus on school.

      I'm in the same situation that Alejandro. I hate my dad because he went away and had another family. I see him one day in a week, only two hours one day, and he doesn't even care if i'm alright or something's wrong. I always had that situation since I was a kid and my parents broke up. And by the way, my dad is a guy who doesn't like too much talking, so I can't have a nice conversation with him in any moment. I passed every single minute of my childhood waiting for him to come and give me a hug but he spent all these time with his other family. It's so hard for me, I couldn't talk it with anybody but my best friend, so this is new for me too. If you wanna, we can talk. Send me a pm and I'll give you my msn. Good luck.
    • Re: there is no father daughter relationship between us at all.

      wow, thank you everyone for replying, you guys have no idea how much this means to me:). mariela, my parents broke up when i was a kid as well & he moved on & started another family, which is why this is so painful for me. he got married & just had a kid last week. sometimes i do wonder why i am trying so hard but he isnt trying at all, but its b/c he's my father & i hate to picture my future w/o him. i just dont want either one of us to go to our graves w/o having that bond that is very much needed. my father doesnt like to talk much either, which makes the situation even more difficult. but thank you all again, you have no idea how much this helps!
      [SIZE=3]skyrider :cool:[/SIZE]