How young is too young?

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    • Re: How young is too young?

      MusicMadeMeMad wrote:

      You're not too young, although it may be illegal up to an age. Just be safe if you Do:)

      No one follows that rule. Like honestly, who is gonna go get the law involved, unless it's like the parent pressing charges. And if your parents were to ever find out, that means the two who had sex weren't too good about keeping secrets.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      Okay chica, don't do something you regret, and keep in mind that although you may love him now, you may never marry, which would make it hard to raise a child. Think about the consequences if you were to get pregnant. You wouldnt believe the girls that come pregnant, saying they only did it once, or they love him, etc. If you think you may ever possibly regret it, dont do it.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      3 things:

      1) have sex when your ready, but I think you should only really worry about yourself, i mean the chance of you getting caught is very low unless your stupid about it, so dont worry about what your family might think, just worry about what your feeling.

      2) pulling out is the most stupid way of controception ever, precum carries sperm so you can get her pregnant just from that, and its nothing to do with skill unless you just have no idea how to know when your gonna climax, but nobody should seriously considering using the pull out technique.

      3) condoms are pretty shit, ill be honest, but maybe thats just me, id never have sex with a condom again, but in saying that, there are 4397439743 other options, so its not really an issue at all.

      And if a girl ever said to me 'no glove no love' just straight out and said that, id leave her, no shit.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ben101: some people just have no idea ().

    • Re: How young is too young?

      Wow, i'm coming 15 soon and i really do need to learn more about contraception O_O I am totally stunned from what has been said here :o

      If you are worried then i suppose when you do have sex it wouldn't be as good as it should so i would wait untill you are care free and are totally ready and careful.
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    • Re: How young is too young?

      No glove no love just based on the fact it's the only contraceptive against STDs, and I don't want to risk anything. Obviously I wouldn't be a bitch about it though, hahha

      I think I'm going to wait another little while, I know I feel ready for it, but I think if we wait a bit longer it will make the experience that much better.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      Please do some research on the failure rates for condoms; they are NOT 100 percent reliable. We humans are very bad at judging risk. It's been calculated that more people died in car accidents after the attack on the World Trade Center, than in the event itself . . . because they decided to drive instead of flying, but it's very much more dangerous.

      If you eventually break up with this boyfriend, do you intend to have sex with another boy later, and so on . . . or do you want to save your virginity until you are as certain as anyone can be that you'll be together for life?

      If something goes wrong despite protection, what do you intend to do about the baby?

      At fifteen you are still developing emotionally, and will be a very different person at eighteen. I really, really think you should wait.