How young is too young?

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    • Re: How young is too young?

      I don't see what you guys are debating about. Pulling out is in no way safer or smarter than wearing a condom.

      About you having sex, if you believe you are mentally and physically mature enough to handle sex, what it is and what may come with it, and are fully aware of the consequences and how they would play out on your life, then I said go for it.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      OnEMesSduPKiD wrote:

      I don't see what you guys are debating about. Pulling out is in no way safer or smarter than wearing a condom.

      About you having sex, if you believe you are mentally and physically mature enough to handle sex, what it is and what may come with it, and are fully aware of the consequences and how they would play out on your life, then I said go for it.

      I'm just trying to make the point that it makes a difference,
      of course its not smart but shes never had sex and thinks a condom wont make a difference in how it feels

    • Re: How young is too young?

      dusk wrote:

      I'm just trying to make the point that it makes a difference,
      of course its not smart but shes never had sex and thinks a condom wont make a difference in how it feels

      Regardless of how depriving a condom is of pleasure, it's still necessary if you don't have any form of birth control. As to why you didn't, or aren't using one is beyond me.

      I pull out with my girlfriend only because she is on birth control. The way I figure, if she gets pregnant off of pre-ejaculation on birth control, I might as well throw in the towel, cause someone is looking to screw me over.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      Otosaki wrote:

      I'm 15 and I've been with my boyfriend for about 8 months now, and I don't mean to be a naive little girl and say that I love him, but I truly believe I do. We haven't so much as had a fight, and are really happy with each other. Hes 17, but I'm his first girlfriend and he is my first boyfriend, and we're been getting more and more close to the sex point all the time.

      I told him I might not be ready for a while and he respects that, but at the same time I want it myself. Is 15 too young? I know people say it's best to wait, but I just feel so comfortable with him and I don't consider myself to be stupid or irrational when it comes to stuff like this.

      Is age what really matters?

      I really hate to burst your bubble, but you are not ready. Let me put it this way.........there was this girl on this site who was well into her 20s, 23 to be exact. And she swore she loved her baby. She even went as far as counting down the days of being together and they were engaged. AND GUEST WHAT HAPPENED? They got married!!!!!!!

      WRONG! HAHA! They broke up and are no longer together. So in your case, it is no different. You like being with him and you like his company, but you do not love him. So get that dumb idea out your head.

      And if you are doubting my words......just wait and see and when you two break up, remember my name. The ANTI CONDOM.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      ANTI CONDOM wrote:

      I really hate to burst your bubble, but you are not ready. Let me put it this way.........there was this girl on this site who was well into her 20s, 23 to be exact. And she swore she loved her baby. She even went as far as counting down the days of being together and they were engaged. AND GUEST WHAT HAPPENED? They got married!!!!!!!

      WRONG! HAHA! They broke up and are no longer together. So in your case, it is no different. You like being with him and you like his company, but you do not love him. So get that dumb idea out your head.

      And if you are doubting my words......just wait and see and when you two break up, remember my name. The ANTI CONDOM.
      I'm pessimistic, but damn.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      OnEMesSduPKiD wrote:

      Regardless of how depriving a condom is of pleasure, it's still necessary if you don't have any form of birth control. As to why you didn't, or aren't using one is beyond me.

      I pull out with my girlfriend only because she is on birth control. The way I figure, if she gets pregnant off of pre-ejaculation on birth control, I might as well throw in the towel, cause someone is looking to screw me over.

      It was a happened a couple times kind of thing not a life story kind of thing, I got lucky, in more ways than one.

    • Re: How young is too young?

      Otosaki wrote:

      Obviously I'm not experienced (hah, the point of this thread) but a condom doesn't take away the pleasure. I think that's a psychological thing, the few seconds it takes to put it on won't destroy the mood in such a way that sex is not as fun.

      ummmm, no. i've tried all kinds. even the ones that promise "complete satisfaction or your money back." but how many guys will actually go back to Target or w/e they got them and ask the person at the returns desk (who's usually a female with eyebrows that move up when she suspects the problem lies elsewhere) for their money back? lol the fact is that the tip of a penis, specifically the rim around the outer edge of the head, is so senstive that it doesn't take much of anything to dampen stimulation to a noticeable degree. and yeah, you're right, there's usually a psychological component to it, but it's real & can have real physiological consequences. the other thing is, if most guys are like me, the greatest pleasure is the feeling during orgasm when you feel your love juice spurting inside her vagina and mixing with her love juice, esp. when the feeling of being filled up with the warmth & potency of your love brings her to an orgasmic state at the same time. now that's what i call a spirutual union... lol! of course, she must either be willing to go on the pill or be ready & willing to make a baby with you :p.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      jake19 wrote:

      ummmm, no. i've tried all kinds. even the ones that promise "complete satisfaction or your money back." but how many guys will actually go back to Target or w/e they got them and ask the person at the returns desk (who's usually a female with eyebrows that move up when she suspects the problem lies elsewhere) for their money back? lol the fact is that the tip of a penis, specifically the rim around the outer edge of the head, is so senstive that it doesn't take much of anything to dampen stimulation to a noticeable degree. and yeah, you're right, there's usually a psychological component to it, but it's real & can have real physiological consequences. the other thing is, if most guys are like me, the greatest pleasure is the feeling during orgasm when you feel your love juice spurting inside her vagina and mixing with her love juice, esp. when the feeling of being filled up with the warmth & potency of your love brings her to an orgasmic state at the same time. now that's what i call a spirutual union... lol! of course, she must either be willing to go on the pill or be ready & willing to make a baby with you :p.

      And some women can't take birth control for whatever reason, so then what?
    • Re: How young is too young?

      I wouldn't say 15 is too young. It depends on your circumstances. Unless your boyfriend has the "moolah" to pay for a living, breathing, pooping, biting, crying, crawling'd be better off waiting. Life isn't all about sex, however it does play a big role in a relationship.

      I'm assuming your still in high school. Resist the urge. Yes, sex is a great thing which can heal relationships and improve overall health, but once you pull the short-straw in life, you're done for.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      ANTI CONDOM wrote:

      I really hate to burst your bubble, but you are not ready. Let me put it this way.........there was this girl on this site who was well into her 20s, 23 to be exact. And she swore she loved her baby. She even went as far as counting down the days of being together and they were engaged. AND GUEST WHAT HAPPENED? They got married!!!!!!!

      WRONG! HAHA! They broke up and are no longer together. So in your case, it is no different. You like being with him and you like his company, but you do not love him. So get that dumb idea out your head.

      And if you are doubting my words......just wait and see and when you two break up, remember my name. The ANTI CONDOM.

      I am in no way assuming that we're never going to break up. Love is easily broken and stuff, but I don't understand what this has to do with my problem. What you're saying is there's no such thing as love and no one should have sex. That solves nothing.

      Besides, even if we break up, wouldn't you want the time you spend together to be enjoyable? Just because I may not understand what love is, and I might not really "be in love" doesn't mean I should miss out on sharing something with a person I care about. You missed my point completely.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      Otosaki wrote:

      I am in no way assuming that we're never going to break up. Love is easily broken and stuff, but I don't understand what this has to do with my problem. What you're saying is there's no such thing as love and no one should have sex. That solves nothing.

      Besides, even if we break up, wouldn't you want the time you spend together to be enjoyable? Just because I may not understand what love is, and I might not really "be in love" doesn't mean I should miss out on sharing something with a person I care about. You missed my point completely.

      Sex is sex. Go for it. Remember, say no to condoms. Say yes to birth control pills. Tootles.
    • Re: How young is too young?

      First off, always use a condom. Who cares about possible extra feeling or whatever, when it comes to pregnancy, can't be too careful.
      But for the age thing, I'm pretty old school. I hate how teenagers think they're ready at like 13. That seems amazingly young to me. But 15 is probably the first year where it's not bad
    • Re: How young is too young?

      I'm sure you'll soon be free of all these hesitations and when ready it will happen.
      Obviously being afraid the first time is natural anyway, but there's plenty of time.
      If two are mature about it, then 15 really doesn't seem too young. You've been together for nearly a year which seems a decent amount of time before having it. Afterall you're almost 16 and in love, so why not?