My mom.

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    • The worst day of my life was this year, last day of school. I got really good marks, what can I say I'm a total dork, and I wanted to show them to my mom. I don't see my mom much due to the fact she's unemployed, is suffering from an alcohol addiction and there's been a lot of complications in the past. I love my mom so much, and it's painful no seeing her, so I like to think of excuses to go over there.

      So this day, I decided I was also going to bring my boyfriend so she could meet him, and we could all have dinner or something. When we got in, everything was smashed up and on the floor. I explained to my boyfriend that things are usually messy, but something was wrong, when my mom came in from the back yard and started screaming. Stuart went into a different room, and then I saw my mom, standing there shaking. She was covered in bruises and she started bawling explaining to me her boyfriend of 6 years was in jail for beating her to a pulp and doing all this shit to her. I was horrified, and she never realized my boyfriend was there. Now she's moved to corner brook, a 10 hour drive away and I don't know what to do. I'm going to see her when I head up north to see my grand parents, but I don't know how to approach her after that, or bring up the fact that my boyfriend was actually there. Any help?
    • Re: My mom.

      Heya Leah :)

      I know it's hard not being able to see your mother who you care about so much, but she really is doing what she thinks has to be done, and I'm sure she misses seeing you as well. At least being so far away will prevent any more harm coming to her and keep her safe, which is one thing that you should be thankful for. That is, of course, if she intends to stay away from whoever it is that did this to her.

      I don't think that you should tell her that your boyfriend was there that day. She would feel ashamed that he had known she was in that state the first time he had met her. I think that you should tell her in advance that you will be bringing him to meet her one day. I know it's a long way away but I'm sure you'll be able to take a week out to go and visit with your boyfriend or something, and in that time you will be able to catch up on everything, talk about grades and what's coming next in life etc, and if you tell her in advance it will give her time to prepare to meet your boyfriend.

      Her living so far away will be tough for everyone, so perhaps when you next visit her you should write out when you will have holidays from work or school to go and visit her for a weekend or something. Try to make it something regular so that you can get to see each other more.

      The main thing is, she's safe, and she'll need your support at the moment.

      Much love from Anna x
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    • Re: My mom.

      Thank you very much for your reply. I was considering not telling her, but it's hard for me to ignore it. Luckily my boyfriend is very understand and didn't mind, and helped me through it, but I guess it makes more sense to make them meet in a more natural environment. I hope I can arrange something, thank you again!