Considering Moving Out. Advice?

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    • Considering Moving Out. Advice?

      Yeah, I just joined this site for the sake of posting this.

      So, I'm seventeen and have been considering the idea of moving out for a little bit (not forever; just a good 1-2 months maximum). I have a cousin that's an adult and I was considering asking if I could move in with him.

      The reasons I want to move out is because of my parent's behaviour in the last year. My parents aren't abusive, but are constantly angry (I mean, they show that emotion at least once a day). They say small hurtful comments to me such as, "How are you going to survive in college?!" after I make a mistake. And they have even threatened to immigrate to another country, claiming that "they meant a timeshare" after making me cry (there was more to this). They have also become obsessed with politics, and I also think that they are xenophobic now. My mom also refuses to accept my sexuality (when I was fifteen, I talked to her about being gay and she said told me that I am not a lesbian. :confused:). Because of the way she acts, I am afraid to admit to my likes and interests around her (I do thinks like hide my music and drawings, or only buy some things when I'm by myself because I'm afraid of how she'll act. And this is just stuff like clothes and comics)

      But my concern is that they aren't "bad enough" to leave for a while. Or that I'm being moody and immature. I feel that I should still talk to my cousin, but I would appreciate any input or stories from others.

      Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. ^^;

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ~Light~ ().

    • Re: Considering Moving Out. Advice?

      I think talking to your parents should be the first thing to do on your 'to-do list'. As for the "how are you going to survive in college" comment, I think they're just trying to help you, but they're probably not going about it in the right way. My mom said the same thing to me when I didn't know how to do laundry or cook really. Try telling them that what they say upsets you, and you don't appreciate it. Politics seems to be an interest of theirs, like art and drawing is an interest of yours, I don't think theres much you can do to change that one. I think you guys need to reconnect in a way, try sitting down with your mom and getting everything out in the open, let her know how you feel about the way she talks to you, what you're interested in, and your concerns for living in the house. If the talk doesn't work, THEN talk to your cousin about moving in with him.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling