Ok; so what should I do?

    • Ok; so what should I do?

      I posted before (about 3 weeks ago) about something going on with my gf and me.
      Now, the past week; she broke up with me cause she got mad at something. So I gave her what she wanted.. and she said she took it all back, that she really does care, that she's really sorry; so I took her back.
      But, I know that she really does care about me.
      And I do too. I love her.
      But, its like as if I want to try something else... I don't know why my head is like this.. and she knows it; I just don't agree with it.
      I want her to stay my friend and be in my life, just not the girlfriend part. But she doesn't want that.. and I clearly do understand that.
      I don't want to cheat on her, and I don't want to pretend.
      We've been together for a year and a half.. I love her so much.. But I don't know what is wrong with me.

      Please help me...
      It's like I care, but its not enough.
    • Re: Ok; so what should I do?

      Well, if you don't want to be in a relationship with her anymore, don't force yourself to stay in it. Maybe when she broke up with you, you reevaluated things and you realize that it's better to stay friends. It happens; There's nothing wrong with you. Just because you don't want to be in a relationship with her doesn't mean you don't care about her. Clearly you do care, but simply caring about her isn't enough to sustain a relationship. It has to be something you truly want for yourself. If it's not what you want, it's better to let go, because hanging on isn't going to be fair to either one of you.

      Don't cheat on her or drag it out any longer, if you know this isn't what you want. Be honest with her. I suggest you just think about it and ask yourself if this relationship is something you truly want. If it isn't, then I think you know what to do. She may not want to be friends, at least not right away, so just respect that and give her space.
    • Re: Ok; so what should I do?

      If you'd allways leave your girlfriends after you had this kind of feeling then I have to say that you'll never be able to have a long relationship. I know how you feel and I think most people do so - it's just natural. Humans aren't monogamic. But if you really love her you have to try hard.
    • Re: Ok; so what should I do?

      Relationships are hard, its human nature, you seem to always want what you dont have, until you loose her.
      Being in a relationship is great, however the single life, is not bad at all....

      What you need to decide is one thing, is she the one for you? or is she just a great friend?

      Knowing this is the hard part, once you get an answere, youll know what to do!

      BTW thumbs up for not wanting to cheat!!
    • Re: Ok; so what should I do?

      Jasmine is right, if you don't want to stay in the relationship and are only going to be pretending, there's no use in just letting it drag out any longer - it's not fair to either of you. I don't know if there's anything you could try to fix in the relationship, but by the sounds of your first post you want to break up with her. What's stopping you?

      She might not want to be "just friends" at first, but if you give her some time, maybe she'll get over it and come around.

      I know there's nothing mentioned about it but just thought I'd add:
      Lots of people seem to get stuck because they no longer want a relationship but can't force themselves to leave since they try really hard to hang onto their feelings. They're afraid that if they let it go, they won't be able to find the same thing again. If it's something you find bothering you, don't let it -- you could find something even better, and if you stay in a relationship that isn't making you 100% happy you're denying yourself that chance.