I am deteriorating.

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    • I am deteriorating.

      I have steadily lost weight since 7th grade. I started starving myself in 7th grade, when I weighed 130 lbs. Now I'm a senior in high school, and I weigh 112 lbs.
      Last year, I got down to 100 lbs. I've started blacking out, and getting dizzy spells. I think I'm fat. I think I'm ugly, and I hate myself. I know I need professional help, before I die or something. Which I wouldn't really have a problem with, but I think that would count as suicide, and I don't exactly want to spell eternity in Hell.
      When I was little, I was always happy. I didn't have the happiest childhood, but I was grateful for what my mom could provide for me. Now, me and my mother say a couple words to each other a day. I think she knows I'm spiraling downwards, but doesn't want to confront me about it, in fear that I'll freak. Which I would.
      I'm pathetic. I have a boyfriend, who constantly tells me I'm beautiful and that if I was a twig, it'd be gross, but I can't stop. I have like three friends, none of which I can talk to about my eating problems. I need help, but I'm afraid...
    • Re: I am deteriorating.

      I know you know this already but you should really go to the doctor. You might be afraid too but once your there, it will be fine. They deal with things like this all the time and youll begin to realise that its much easier than you think. If you don't do anything about it, you'll continue to be unhappy and its quite clear that you don't want that. To be honest, you've made the first step by posting this on here.

      If your mum is worried to approach you about the situation, its probably because shes worried how you will react. Maybe you should try your hardest to go and talk to her. What i've learnt, after trying to avoid my mum for years was that she was my closest friend and she made everything better. They know alot mums! Please go and see a doctor, I have had problems like this before and I promise they will help you.
      [RIGHT]:rolleyes: myspace.com/bint
      [email protected]
    • Re: I am deteriorating.

      First and foremost, I congratulate you on reaching out and revealing this about yourself. Even if it only is to strangers. That was very brave of you.

      Secondly, starving yourself is not the way to go. Please understand that it can lead to many, many other health concerns down the road, and that is the last thing you want to deal with right now. I had my whole anorexia stage for quite a while and now I'm dealing with severe food intolerances/allergies and I am sick every single day. It has flipped my world upside down and changed every aspect of myself and my life and I am more underweight than I ever have before (80 some pounds, 5'4").

      Today, I am not able to eat the foods I want anymore. Whereas before hand, I had that option. Talk about regrets. I have a terrible immune system and I only wish I could have taken better care of myself beforehand.

      You need to tell your mother what is going on with you. I really and truly understand how hard that can be, so I highly suggest you write a letter/e-mail to her. It seems things come out more easily through words.

      Remember, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here.

      Take care! :)
    • Re: I am deteriorating.

      Eating disorders are exceptionally difficult to deal with. Unlike many other disorders you simply disprove what is being said about you and by that internal disprovable you can't feel better about yourself. There are two things you should do.

      First off, get more liquids. I don't mean water or soda. Drink milk, lots of milk. Drink many fruit juices. You should also look int vitamin supplement drinks like ovaltine. You feel you're fat, and so you're not eating. So get around that by drinking, it isn't solid, it isn't going to make you fat, but you'll get the energy you're lacking from not eating. This won't fix your problem, but it will prevent you from blacking out and allow you to function as you should by keeping your nutrient content up.

      The next thing you need to understand is that by not eating properly you're trying to make yourself fat. When someone is suffering from malnutrition the body goes into "starvation mode," more energy is put in reserves; energy reserves are stored as fat. The body learns to run on this minimum power cycle in anticipating of not getting future food, and by doing so when you finally do overcome your problem you'll continue on that cycle for awhile and get fat as your body is not use to having what it needs and continues to think its starving. Of course, if it needs energy and you're not giving it energy, where does this energy come from? It comes from your body consuming its muscles. The muscles are the engines which drive your body and require fuel. Without these engines more energy will be stored in reserves--as fat. So, by not eating you are increasing your body fat, decreasing your muscle man, and making it more difficult for you to ever eat and not become fat.

      I think you can agree more fat, loose skin, and less muscles is the exact opposite of what you want. We call it being counter-productive.

      You have to learn to eat properly. Not eating won't keep you skinny in any healthy way. If you want to be skinny you have to learn to eat properly, take care with your diet and make sure that you're eating only healthy things.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return
    • Re: I am deteriorating.

      okay, seriously.. you are not fat at all, you need to seek some help from a therapist or doctor, and stop starving yourself for petes sake, the way you are going you will die, but why? by the sounds of it, you have a caring mother, a caring, loving boyfriend, AND friends.. why would you want to throw all of that away? some people going through these things have no one to talk to, you should be lucky you have people there for you and shouldn't throw it away by starving yourself and ending up dead.. go to a doctor.
      ~Friendships break and family's fall apart but memories will always stay within your heart <3~

    • Re: I am deteriorating.

      Like 'amando96' asked above, How tall are you?

      If your taller then 5' 3" (Which I assume you are), then you need to start eating MORE, 100 Pounds is WAY to little for any Hight above that.

      Also, If thats you in your Picture then you should trust what your Boy Friend told you. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MadDogTen ().

    • Re: I am deteriorating.

      I completely understand your issue here, with having many of the same thoughts about my weight and appearance. Try to remind yourself that this is all just what you're mind is telling you, but it's definitely not true. You're very slim and probably have nothing else to lose. Being afraid is understandable, especially as it is quite scary getting help unless you have someone close to go with you. But, don't hold back from doing it, it will help you to overcome this. There's people out there, there to help people such as yourself, and they will completely understand you being afraid for a while. What you're going through is tough, and from my experience it was hard to overcome for me too. However after seeing someone for quite a while now, it's all improved a lot, and the same can happen to you too. I know it's not easy to tell yourself you're beautiful, not fat etc, but doing this may just help to replace the negativity and distortion you're seeing of yourself. Would your boyfriend come with you? I'm sure he will be there to support you if you decide to get help with this. I also understand the whole friends thing and them not understanding, i've very few friends that i could be open about such things with, it really does suck. It's surprising how helpful and how much you learn about yourself and how to deal and overcome your problems by just talking to someone on a regular basis. It may seem scary at first, but once you know someone it will become very easy to have them working with you on it all.
      One thing i've learned is that eating reasonably reduced the depression and thoughts i was having towards my self image, even though those thoughts may well stay there at the back of your mind.
      If you really need to discuss this one to one with someone that will understand, don't be afraid to message one of us.